Argentine jalop in Central America

Well, I’ve seen pornstars age better. Just sayin’...

This is terrifying...

Square wheel you said? Oh. I see.

Yes, I just read that in the comment below. Which pretty much renders my point moot, I guess.

I was not aware of that. Thank you!

Now playing

Yeah, right. The guys whose very own autopilot crap went full Mustang...

The exterior of a competent normal and generic sedan and the interior of a friggin’ ‘91 Buick LeSabre. It can’t be further from all what Citroën stands for. It can even have RWD, which, in this very particular case, would be a mistake of biblical dimensions.

If I ever happen to lead a psychedellic blues band, I will name it “The Farting Lion and its Bic Lighter”. And stick the Jalopnik bump on my bass drum.

What’s wrong with 30 years old Fiats made in, say, Argentina?

Dude, do you always take yourself that seriously?

I laughed for about 10 minutes when I found the add and saw the price, and then some more when I sent it to Graverobber.

62k must be legit. No Chrysler product reached 362k ever. Ever.

You, Sir, are a fucking hero. My deepest respect to you.

There’s one in Buenos Aires, and it seems functional. I think there is another one that was SzimplaKertized.

Dude... is that a redneck convention?

“Fuel-injected, V6 Hondas” is a hell of an answer. I need to buy you a drink, sometime.

How long before it loses control and drives over the people outside of the club house?

Why not? Because the ‘64 version was the good looking one.

“...all costs” included genocide-like practices. And yes, Ortega was as crappy as a populist leader may come, but by no means he was any worse than what came just against him or his like in Central America. At least he was not a mass-murderer as your not-so boy scouts.

Do you have a slicest idea of what the US was doing in Nicaragua? Who the Contras were? What their role in overthrowing democracies was?