Putting the “badass” tag where it belongs: dads who perform as dads.
Putting the “badass” tag where it belongs: dads who perform as dads.
Plenty of aftermarket trees, too!
It’s a FoMoCo thing, you wouldn’t understand...
Advanced Badasssery Levels:
So, the only way that Turdson and his gang can get to be noticed these days is by rolling around in a horribly ruined, otherwise almost perfect car.
Because police.
(Warning: the next comment may be offensive to gender sensitivities.)
Ooops... this just blew away my whadafuq-o-meter.
Will pay attention. Thanks for the tips!
I fail to see it, but perhaps I’m prejudiced and should learn more about Indy. Any suggestion on where to start from? This is a bona fide question.
But, but... it was so easy on Forza...
Nope. On the contrary. I say that a series may be popular, but it doesn’t make it prestigious.
Nope. No prestige. It can be popular, but it has no prestige (our most popular series is incredibly crappy). To be fair, it’s hard to find a series that is well respected worldwide, apart from WRC, MotoGP, and perhaps the WEC.
Brazilians can do miracles. Wait until they cook out a restyling.
They are worse in real life. Believe me.
You are right (regularly drives a 1st. gen 1.6 EcoSport that needs more fuel than your 2.0 Focus).
An extra star for the Ren&Stimpy reference.
Money laundering. 90% of motorsport lives on it.