Thou, Sir, are a fucking genious.
Thou, Sir, are a fucking genious.
Drove the crap out of ‘94 and ‘95 Fiat Vivaces, their last iteration in Argentina. They did love to be driven hard, and with proper maintenance and avoiding rust they were unkillable. If something broke, parts were dirt cheap. Only with a slight tune on the suspension and wider tires, they handled way better than they…
Ahh, it all makes sense now! Alleluyah!
“Goat”? Did you say “goat”? How do you “float a goat”?
Let me introduce the Argentine variants to you. The long weelbase Jeep IKA (Industrias Kaiser Argentina) came in open, pick-up and wagon shapes. Ungainly, but reliable. Or so they said.
Badassery taken to Japanese levels of whaddafaquery. Soichiro rules even when taking a nap.
Which these lovely guys will deliver to any number of ladies once they are done with their victory lap.
“Go fuck yourselves, Jalops” (Fernando Alonso, random track-side, 2015)
Ford? You mean Rob Ford?
My dad has one of these in his work station. He’s a dentist.
What in the global fuck???
I’ll show my love for odd cars. You can have an immaculate Peugeot 505 with the unkillable XD2S turbodiesel. Then, you have enough money to retrofit the Euro headlights, bumpers and rear lights (have them shipped from Argentina for cheap). Only one caveat: it’s an automatic, something we can forgive on a grand routier.
One star for the Icarus reference alone... Well done!
And then you get this:…, and swap the engines and toss forever. Just remember to drive the Saab with the good body and the good engine, not the other way round.
Gollum, are you in trouble again?
Can we have Steve Letho confirm that punching the nose of people like this is legal? Can we? CAN WE?
Not so silly:
I’d love to be that guy. My contribution to human kind.
Swingers, yo. They picked some random stuff they were not meant to use anyway. The Reagan years, Torch, it was the Reagan years.