Argentine jalop in Central America

I just wonder how many people yelled “run, Forrest, run!” at Heroic Parts Run Dude.

I mean, notable people that could otherwise not drive a manual car, yes. But still, we need not explain that they are a very tiny proportion of automatic Miata owners, and the only ones who have a sound reason for such a choice.


I was wondering who the heck, in this world of ours, would buy an automatic Miata.

Prior to this, all camels were the color of a tennis ball.

I could see that coming. From Chechnya...

Dafuq did I just see? Good thing to be deaf as a deaf potato...

How about extending the season well into the next year to make sure that someone else can grab the title from the hands of the man who won it?

It’s up to you. Really.


Sorry, you are right. I just had a blonde moment. For a second I thought about a Beta Montecarlo, which is again a very stupid thing to do Miata-wise. Italian ancestry is rolling on the floor laughing hard.

The epithome of Russian dash-cams?

Impressive photo. Love the Szabadság Szobor in contrast with the Lada. Nice Lada, though, congrats!

This is cool.

Uh, I just Pantera-ed my pants...

So, those famous whoever’s puke stains are what make the car worth any money, right? Is there any other redeeming quality for such a barf-mobile?

An amazing example of German sturdiness and charm. Pretty $kaycog, too.

“That’s my man!” (Evo)

Uhh, by pain you mean Gregor Samsa’s kind of pain? That is, existencial or physical cockroache-based pain?

Andrea can smell the ugly.