Argentine jalop in Central America

Football players (and their wives), pornstars and Texas blondes like this. It out-Muranoes the Murano.


When he comes to the track, cars shit on their wheels... and pray.

Someone here doesn't know how to play.

Oooooooo... someone here can read someone else's minds! And Tavarishes mind, no less!

Impressive piece of driving. The guy really knows what he's doing.

Everything would look as ridiculous as a Sonic?

So they gave him a fine instead of a prize? Not serious...

If you go beyond the '90s you can add Angus Young to the list :)

This is too much. Nagyon jó!

You mean the brown one?

They are running from the sausage factory, isn't it?

50 shades of brown? Amazing car anyway!


Are you sure? Most articles about unreliable cars have the Audi Alltrack as a poster-child. Followed by Volkswagens, Mercedes´ and BMW's of any era post-1990, and of course Italian and French cars. Those bear the stigma of rust and quirkyness as well.

Nope. The only thing it needs is to replace the red crappy plastic thing between the rear lights clusters, and get the original stripped dark grey ones. And strip that shit on the windshiedl. So, you'll have all the elegance and distinction of the original thing. And then, drive it on twisty roads, or make a long trip

You need to drive one thoroughly. They are incredibly well balanced and handled with French ease and elegance. They are among the most interesting and elegant designs of the era, an instant classic that remains more beautiful than most modern cars, and... just fuck it. Just drive one.

Well, there were plenty of them, and they were slow, unreliable, boring. Nothing remarkable, no redeeming quality, except that one of them put the old V8 TCs to shame in 1966...

It just needs a "we are pros, don't try this at home" banner... a jewel.