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    Dude doesn’t need to be recruited for football. For all the screaming dudes do about false accusations ruining someone’s life & here we have an actual RAPIST with video, he gets a slap on the wrist punishment & now is being rewarded by being recruited for football. The guy is a scumbag and I’m sick of assholes giving

    It’s traumatic for pets. And we all know how some people don’t give a shit about fellow humans but if an animal is hurt it’s THE END OF THE WORLD.

    There’s a proper way to rehome a pet with special needs & then there’s trying to get rid of via twitter & acting like everyone was stupid for thinking there’s a problem with that.

    If you’ve had a cat at any time prior to being pregnant chances are you’ve already contracted toxoplasmosis. either way it’s fine if you don’t scoop the litter yourself.

    Maybe men could try not being disgusting pieces of shit and then blaming their mothers for their decision to harm another person? Why don’t those guys ever try that?

    The therapist should be trained to know if a person is dealing with general anxiety/depression or could benefit from seeing a psychiatrist. Why do you feel therapists have no responsibilities to their patients?

    My understanding is the movie & tv series are just continuations of the last book.. Which is why it makes sense Roland isn’t the white cowboy of the books.

    The movie is a continuation of the books. It was never supposed to be a remake of the books.

    Why don’t you start by not acting like you have everyone who doesn’t respond to therapy figured out? Honestly this is some of the most tone deaf, ugly bullshit I’ve seen around here. You speak as if you’re some kind of expert & then when people point out why your logic is fucked it’s all “I’m not a therapist!” If you

    this comment is so incredibly useless and stupid.

    The Queen sounds like she is a give no fucks kind of lady.

    The part I struggled with was convincing myself my brain was wrong. Like my friends all abandoned me when my depression got too heavy but I’m supposed to magically feel like I am a good, worthwhile person.

    A year isn’t enough time to figure out the person hasn’t been benefiting from the therapy? This is why people give up. Who has the time or energy for that? Not to mention the money. There are WAY more shit therapists than good ones & if you don’t live in a MMA you’re doubly fucked.

    You seem to be under the impression that there aren’t a shitload of crappy therapists out there.

    what exactly do you want this person to do? Kill themselves?

    Exactly. This person is obviously frustrated & stressed out from 30 FUCKING YEARS in therapy. Give them a break for being a bit flip. In my mind it’s amazing they’ve stuck with it as long as they have.

    holy fuck! I think we may be the same person. I HATED CBT because it essentially just felt like I was lying to myself. I can’t count the # of times I was told “fake it til you make it.” For me it’s always “fake it & make your brain count all the ways the lies you are telling yourself are wrong.”

    This *clapping*

    yeah it’s a bit disheartening to read all these comments about “well you just have to WANT to change” or “YOU have to do the work; a therapist can’t for you.” How condescending and presumptive.

    I’ve never had a therapist happy to deal with transference. In fact I usually get shut down & told that I’m doing this wrong. The problem is there are plenty of therapists out there but most of them are not very good at their jobs. So not only do you have to find a good one with little to go on (which is really hard