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    Have you seen the documentary The Smartest Guys in the Room? Fascinating look at Enron & yeah a bunch of them got off or got out before shit hit the fan.

    I really like the mid range colors. Anything super bright or super dark covers really splotchy tho.

    I advise against purchasing it. It’s a really bubblegum pink that doesn’t cover well.

    I know since they are minors we will probably never hear about the outcome of the homework assignments but it’s gotta be a helluva more constructive than throwing them in juvie.

    A tale of two assholes: Amber Heard vs. Australia coming to a theater near you this summer.

    Jesus that would be a nightmare. That test is fucking brutal.

    Did you also have the same judge as Swift? Criminal vs civil probably has different levels of acceptable testimony.

    My eternal crush on him just seems to grow.

    Some people are organizing to stop a rapist from playing football & you’re acting like we want his shunned for life. You should really rethink your biases & privilege here. Men never put themselves in the shoes of the victim. No they only think “poor guy. It wasn’t so bad. He should be able to play a stupid

    thank you. These narratives are really fucking shitty. And bitchy mean girl bullshit.

    He was 16. 16 year olds get tried as adults all the time. And in this case it would be more than appropriate. Shut the fuck up. He knew what he was doing. This wasn’t a mistake. This was a predator.

    It’s nice you care so much about rapists. You will never think of the girl who was violated and humiliated every again after this. You will worry about this poor boy who thought putting his fingers in an unconscious girl, taking photos & videos, & passing them around to his friends for a good laugh was an okay thing

    you’re a stupid sick fuck who only has the ability to empathize with a rapist I hope you know. You have tons of women telling you why it’s fucked up he gets to go on with his life as if nothing happens because he “served his time” which again was lenient because of his football playing ability

    you are such a stupid fucking rape apologist. His status as a FOOTBALL player got him that treatment and lenient sentence putting him back in that environment is what we object to. Go fuck yourself you probably rape women all the time.

    I’m sorry you love rapists so much you want to give them more chances than admit this was an especially heinous case & her seeing her rapist being defended when no one here gives a fuckign shit about her (do not lie and say you care because you will forget she even exists after this like everyone else)

    I didn’t say she was forever broken you stupid fuck. I said she was traumatized because football culture was more important to literally EVERYONE in the town than protecting her from being made into a stupid slut who deserved it.

    I can’t believe how fucking obtuse you are being with this. Like you’re usually pretty funny but I now know you’re a shit fucking rape apologist just like most guys. He got a light sentence, he played football as soon as he got out.

    Do you know the details of this case? Cuz it’s pretty fucking traumatic. Considering her entire town turned on her & now her rapist is being defended by shitheads like you.

    I swear half these people defending him have either committed rape or would love to do it given the opportunity and they are projecting on this man how they would want to be treated if by some chance they get caught. I am so fucking pissed off.