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    Why are you such a shithead? Exactly what the petition says. He should not be given the power being a collegiate athlete gives young men.

    You’re an idiot. No one wants him executed you piece of shit. (psst it is rape culture)

    jesus christ. fuck you.

    yeah I bet she’s totally over being raped, photographed, laughed at, dumped naked in her front lawn & having the entire town work to protect those assholes that did it to her. FUCK YOU for even trying to compare the two. Just cuz you handled it doesn’t mean it’s not traumatic someone else.

    I’m sure his victim is living it up right? I’m sure this won’t be traumatizing to her. I fucking hate this shit. This is rape culture.

    You know damn well this kid will get to move on with his life. This girl was treated like dirt by her entire town. She literally cant put the past behind her. Sure let’s put an abusive shithead in with a bunch of other entitled assholes & give him power. This is insane. Fuck him. Fuck football. Fuck everything.

    Thank you!

    Naww some of us have seen this guy before. He isn’t genuine.

    This whole week has really shown me how fragile their sense of masculinity is. And how emotional they get if they feel even the tiniest bit threatened. These wimps couldn’t handle one day as a woman.

    I wrote this to halenawwww but I wasn’t sure if you’d see it.

    see ya bro. don’t let the door hit you. (seriously your overuse of ellipses makes you look like a total moron)

    You worded your shit comment in a way that questions why Swift would stand there and do nothing with your dumb ellipsis at the end. Word choice matters here. Either you weren’t clear in your comment or you’re questioning why someone would stand there. What the fuck is wrong with you?


    Guy is a complete tool. He used to come over to GroupThink and whine about this girl he had a crush on & get advice from us. One time some people took issue with a post & he made a big deal of flouncing and never came back *GOOD* This is his EXACT MO.

    Riiiighhht because men are never “polite” in a condescending way after multiple people told him what was wrong with his statement. No acknowledgement that his initial thought goes right to victim blaming, just sarcastic “thank you”s

    Don’t be a fucking asshole. Just because you yell doesn’t mean people who freeze or run off aren’t real.

    I loved her for that.

    You do realize men often get promoted when they are in female dominated industry... because they are men. Your arguments are stupid because you want to deny sexism ever plays a role in hiring/promoting and that’s just idiotic.


    Don’t be so fucking obtuse you fuckstick. Did you read the CEO’s letter? He agreed that no one should be scared to speak up regarding being a conservative in a sea of progressives. But all those other points? Pure evopsych bullshit.