
John McCain was born in Panama. What about it?

Said it before and I will say it again: Tammy Duckworth 2020.

I think Mila Kunis could do better.

I’m thankful my son is in daycare while my wife and I work. The social aspect of being around kids his own age since he was a baby is priceless.

Almost certainly not. I was recently listening to a podcast about Enron and all I could think at the end was, “All the regulators, the bankers, the analysts who signed off on this shit probably still have fucking jobs. They wrote blank checks for idiots and probably had nothing happen to them at all.” It makes me sick

I’ve been following this for a while and while I typically agree that children should not be charged as adults, I felt that the judge who made the ruling to keep it in adult court had pretty sound reasoning. He determined that even if they’re convicted in the juvenile system, the courts lose track of them at eighteen

Did you actually read her letter? She’s not saying her husband cheated. She’s saying that he gaslighted her for 20 years while he was a womanizer. There’s a big difference between committing infidelity and doing that. She says that she’s been diagnosed with complex PTSD since piecing together the truth.

I forgive her because she lived through sixteen years of her husband being lauded as a feminist god friend and champion paragon on virtue while he was actually screwing around on her. I would be pretty pissed off too.

Yeah? Feminists blame the beautiful, needy, aggressive young women for their affairs?

I literally died.

Ok, I just listened to what she said and you either really didn’t understand her or you are purposely mischaracterizing what she said. She did not call BLM a terrorist group. She is obviously supportive of what her daughter stood for. She said her daughter wasn’t there as part of any group, which is true. She said

I am in awe of Ms.Bro. She is living through the absolute worst nightmare of any parent and still she stands by her (and her late daughter’s principals).

No, he really is wrong.

Yeah... I’m going to do you a favor and let you know that, just like people shouldn’t point out there were a few ok people in the white nationalist march, you should just keep the fact that a couple points in his tip resonated with you to yourself. Especially when the list includes “2. Your boundaries are complete

I don’t know who he is, but he looks like all three Hansons melded into one.

I am completely perplexed as to why Hemsworth would be intimidated by Pratt. Pratt is the worst of the Chrises.

I personally think they should be melted down into urinals, but I’m willing to entertain other options.

Sure, most people in the military are decent people. Most people in most walks of life are decent people. I’d never think negatively of someone for serving in the military, and it does give them a bump up in my estimation because it shows they finished something difficult and they were, at the least, willing to put


These were both federal civil cases but no, not the same judge.