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    Why is your definition the correct one? No one is comparing transpeople being MURDERED to dog attacks (btw dogs kill, they don’t murder dipshit). We are seeing an uptick in violence in a community of extremely vulnerable people and you want to argue whether this word choice is appropriate? We can see you and you’re

    go fuck yourself. going into labor a few weeks before isn’t uncommon. He still should have expected a chance that she could go into labor. But sure I’m sure it’s the evil conniving wife who fucked this asshole out of seeing his kid. Why do we always rush to give jerk’s a pass?

    I read he has the two with her & 3 with his ex wife. But I think only 1 of those is legally a child anymore.

    I like how you describe accidents/nature as if they are exactly the same as men MURDERING people. Go be pedantic somewhere else you shitstain.

    Well sure but if its expected people follow the contract it’s a fucking asshole move to put a condition in there that isn’t legal because people won’t question it. Our lease wanted us to have the carpets & drapes commercially cleaned before we moved out; this isn’t legal in Wisconsin. They are stealing from people &

    Sometimes rental companies put shit in their contracts that aren’t legally enforceable. Fuck that.

    You know these people are rich enough for a cleaning service because who the fuck would ever want to have to spend that much time cleaning 9 bathrooms!

    No but you’re specifically introducing a third party into your child’s life that is specifically there helping out because it makes the dude hot & bothered. It’s not the same thing as finding maternal instincts attractive.

    you’re a fucking joke. No one here gives a shit about the type of sex you like to have or not have. YOU ARE GIVING WOMEN AND GIRLS UNSOUND ADVICE. Instead of acting flip cuz one gyno said “meh whatevs” is so fucking stupid maybe think about researching this shit before telling us what to do.

    You people fucking suck at this.

    Still you’re a fucking asshole idiot for not consulting with a doctor first if you’re going to advise women to shove random shit up their vaginas. Like you should not be giving any advice.

    just as OP should as well. I don’t get off from oral. I’m not defective or suffering from a partner who doesn’t know what he’s doing.

    But that specifically includes taking care of his children. Using your child to get a boner, no matter how little they are involved is gross as fuck.

    you didn’t just give birth to a baby with a NINETEEN YEAR OLD BOY. Thank your LUCKI stars!

    not every woman orgasms from or even likes oral sex.

    the kid thing is beyond creepy. like I feel for that kid. It’s abuse.

    fine for you but let’s not tell other women to shove random stuff in our vaginas.

    this seems like terrible advice. like really awful.

    I love Tom Petty.

    Thank you. You get it.