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    and what’s sad is he said all of this will no self-reflection, no shame or embarrassment. Men are the worst.

    I do! If he votes to strip healthcare from people I will fucking CELEBRATE cancer! I will dance for joy that McCain is facing one of the most brutal forms & I hope it will be slow and painful for him.

    One of these people needed something to talk about to make her relevant. The other was minding her own business at her gym.

    It’s the same way you assume a misunderstanding means Charlize is the biggest bitch in the business.

    This is why I can’t help but think they are monsters. Either they believed the hospital was lying about their son’s condition & didn’t believe he was in pain or they thought his pain didn’t mean as much as their grief.

    I find the Mowry’s annoying as fuck & I can imagine if one came up to me & acted they way they usually do my eyes would be stuck rolled into the back of my head.

    YES! Please bring back Smart Guy ! I love taht show.

    Yeah the mowrys are like the biggest assholes. Obnoxious and rude and think they are better than everyone.

    I’m explaining why Theron probably wouldnt recognize her as a fellow celeb. Or maybe Charlize is the biggest sister sister fan in the universe?! I don’t know. I just think it’s insane to immediately assume Charlize is the asshole (like ALL of you Tia defenders are assuming) when Mowry is the one who ran to the press

    First of all it sounds like Tia made this exchange up so she’d have something interesting & relevant to talk about in an interview. Why are you taking Tia’s word for it? Isn’t it more likely Charlize was working out, didn’t feel like having a chat with someone she doesn’t know or said hey and that was that? Anyways no

    You brought up something that has nothing to do with this case. I’m not sure why but it smacks of oversimplification every pro-life idiot will scream about now that Charlie’s parents have finally come to their senses & will let their poor baby go. Will they apologize to GOSH? Will they continue to act like the ONLY

    Atv show & A talk show?!? Well then!

    I don’t know why the Mowrys seem to think they are actual celebrities & not a nostalgia trip people fondly remember.

    Except the doctors were the only ones thinking of Charlie and the life he was currently living. There is no cold calculations. A child has been suffering his whole life because of some delusional assholes who suddenly think they know more than a whole host of specialists. Quit with this bullshit “they kill people cuz

    Jesus you have problems.

    I do. They allowed themselves to be used as pawns by awful disgusting people while having no problem villifying one of the greatest hospitals for terminal children in the world. They allowed their child to be kept alive in pain (you don’t go on a morphine drip for funsies). These parents have done an untold amount of

    Of course some pleb knows who the Mowrys are. They are d list celebs who had a popular television show as kids. Why the fuck would Theron, a REAL actress know who this is?

    I’m mad a violent domestic abuser got away with murdering yet another woman. If you think this is some sort of win for black people that’s gross as fuck. Women die everyday because no one takes threats seriously. So go fuck yourself & your pretend moralizing.

    Apparently a lot of us did. RFM is spot on. You are giving a pass to an extremely violent abuser. If that’s the look you want to go with...

    We get it. You hate women and don’t value their lives.