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    No a piece of shit abuser killed a woman & someone he assumed she was banging. He fucking decapitated her he stabbed her so many times. Go look at the crime scene pictures and get back to me about how it’s just cuz a black guy killed white people. I get it. Women don’t mean shit to this country. Fuck you.

    lolololol a 70 year can still beat up a woman. Don’t be ridiculous.

    I’d be highly uncomfortable with a stranger walking around with no identifiable features if I sent my kid to that school. This woman clearly isn’t a threat but how easy would it be for someone to dress like this & do something terrible. They wouldn’t be identifiable on camera either. It’s more than just the checkpoint

    Go fuck yourself. What a piece of shit you are. These people take care of our loved ones, like your brother. Honestly I hope you are never in the position to need care from nurses because you’re an asshole with a chip on their shoulder.

    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

    I don’t know how tall Aaron is but my husband is 5'10" & weighs 130 on a good day. He doesn’t look like he’s starving himself; it’s just how he’s built. To me it’s completely plausible Aaron’s condition could be caused by just not eating enough.

    I’d kill to have my kid feel that way about me tbh. The way I see people blame their mothers on this site makes it seem like all mothers are awful. It feels inevitable my kid will someday hate me.

    You’re being disingenuous by acting like because you and your friend were able to be on a payment plan everyone else can! No they can’t. People filed bankruptcy frequently due to medical costs. That is sick.

    I’m so sorry you had to make that decision. I can’t imagine the strength and love it takes to make it. Thank you for sharing your experience.

    lol you are very emotional buddy. You’re up and down here acting like we’re personally telling your kid to fuck off and die.

    Your first paragraph is either wildly uniformed or straight up fantasy in your head.

    Bernie Bros have 0 self awareness. Here they scream that we think Hillary was perfect & didn’t do anything wrong. No assholes. She did. She wasn’t perfect but would have been a good president. She has accepted her part of the blame. We’ve accepted it. They want her to flagellate herself when Bernie’s out here spouting

    damn right. This baby is suffering and being used as a political pawn by the biggest pieces of shit in this country. It’s fucking sick. This is not your child’s case. I’m very sorry any parent has to go through any loss of their children. It’s all heartbreaking. But delaying the inevitable isn’t what is best for

    It matters. which is why a lot of us think it’s cruel to keep him alive & experiment on him.

    No sorry. That’s what is being advocated. Look at this way. If Charlie was diabetic & his parents REFUSED to treat it, the courts would step in & make sure the child’s best interests are being taken into consideration. Same as this. It is experimenting. You don’t know if he’s in any pain. Full stop. Just because you

    you would let your child suffer like this? You don’t own your child. They are their own persons & I find it incredibly fucked up anyone is advocating for experimenting on a disabled child.

    The parents are delusional or enjoying being the center of a international clusterfuck. Charlie should be taken off life support. He isn’t living. He needs to be let go. The parents want permission to take their profoundly disabled child, go to the US & let doctors basically experiment on him in hopes it could improve

    you haven’t been paying attention much have you?

    Ugh Ryan is the worst. Brianna is becoming Vicki with every passing day.

    Which is fine. Stick to those articles.