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    If you’re getting your breaking news from a BLOG I don’t know what to tell you. Try an actual news outlet. Jez has always had silly fluffy things mixed in.

    I’m just super bummed we probably won’t get much of Lydia’s stoner mom since they moved.

    Ahh I see you’re the arbiter of correct human behavior. I bet you’re never selfish, petty or rude either. Humans judge. You’ve judged everyone who feels negatively about this as having never been in a good relationship. So *shrug*

    so deep.

    People are commenting anonymously on a website Patton will never see. It’s human reaction & sometimes humans are selfish. I don’t know why it triggers you that others’ are expressing their feelings that don’t line up w yours.

    maybe tell that to the many women who have questioned why I still have stretch marks 4 years after kid. It doesn’t affect you but it affects girls & women who aren’t as secure. FFS I’m not saying she can’t do this but it isn’t realistic & many people think it is.

    she didn’t do this for fucks sake. It’s lighting, hair & makeup, strategically placed fabric & angles & plus photo shop. I mean look at you implying the women who don’t bounce back are lazy, slobs. MAN you should shut the fuck up about women’s postpartum bodies.

    You don’t think there are a lot of women who want to live up to celebrity standards? You don’t think there are people who impose these thoughts on women when they may be their most vulnerable? Postpartum depression is a real thing & some of that is due to unrealistic expectations of what motherhood is supposed to be

    The point I’m mkaing is people like men & women who have never been pregnant start thinking this is the way it;s going to be with other women who don’t have the time or resources to look like this immediately. I have had other women act shocked that I got stretch marks from being pregnant.

    You realize one month postpartum w twins she’d still be wearing the giant ass MAXI pads to catch all the crap coming out of her still? I’m talking ONE MONTH. Fuck you for bragging about your wife’s body I don’t give a fuck.

    It actually hurts women everywhere. This is 1 month after she had TWINS. No postpartum body looks like that. Especially so soon after delivery. It is setting unrealistic standards that women & actually everyone seems to think is normal for women after they give birth.

    Indentured servitude while awful, was no where near as heinous as SLAVERY. Don’t conflate the two.

    Good news! Beyonce & Jay don’t give a fuck what you think of them. People clearly like the show she puts on.

    DUDE it’s up to YOU to prevent it. No one is forcing you to have condom-less sex. Don’t want pregnancy; wear a condom.

    No I don’t give a shit about the size of your dick. I’m giving you some advice to avoid pregnancy in the future. If your condom falls off it isn’t because your girl pulled it off w her magic kegels; there is something off w the fit.

    He’s lying. His condom was too big.

    Psst... the condom came off because it was too big. Your girl didn’t have anything to do with it.

    My question is why are all these women marrying & having children with giant man babies in the first place? The father of your children cannot be asked to care for them? Like what the fuck. Maybe instead of hoping he replaces you w a newer model teach him how to not be such a fuck up he can’t raise the kids he helped

    Or maybe it just triggers really shitty feelings about family & friends & loves replacing them after their death like they were nothing.

    While I understand why the teen felt that doing this was cathartic for him. But at the same time he distressed the family & friends of a woman who was MURDERED doing her job. Are there things to protest about police departments & policies? HELL FUCKING YES. At a funeral for a private citizen who happened to be a cop