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    I actually think it’s pretty shitty of you to presume you know how this woman felt. She was young, alone & felt totally unprepared. People say shitty things when they are stressed all the time. For you to take it as a judgment of her ability to be a loving parent says a ton about you. Your loss is horrific but at the

    you literally told me to move. Fuck you & your self righteousness. The way people talk about mental illness is so fucking fucked & this is why. Yes I’ll just pick up whole & move someplace new. That’ll be super great for my mental health. Like can you admit you don’t know what you’re talking about here since you got

    Your wife works in government. I said business. Besides it’s a waste of my time to talk w someone who thinks they know what it’s like to be a woman because they have a wife. You want to argue because fuck women complaining or some equally lame boring reason. I won’t change your mind cuz you’re just being a dick on the

    oh okay. thanks for the conversation. It’s really helpful when people just go well it’s illegal, shrug. Frankly my doctors haven’t been able to help me in 4 years so my faith is shot when it comes to having my mental illnesses actually treated. I live in an area that is woefully underserved so I can’t just go find new

    well it seems pretty fucked that something that can be considered medicine in one state is treated like heroin in another. Prescription medication is woefully lacking in supervision as it is. My doctor started me off with ADs that made the urge to kill myself worse. & a doctor didn’t check in to make sure I was

    Question: Is that much different from when I skip a day or two of my anti-depressants & end up a crying blubbering mess? If it’s being used as medication it would make sense to need to use it when you felt anxious. Is that really much different than a psych prescribing a benzo to take when you start feeling anxious?

    Reading that shit before I gave birth made me cry. I was terrified. I didn’t feel all powerful. I felt afraid.

    Good for them? Obviously some people are going to be quicker than others. Ever talk to a woman who has to straighten her hair every morning? It can easily take an hour.

    Geee, that must be why it’s always men who question if I’m sick if I’m not wearing a full face of makeup.

    lol you truly have no idea what it’s like to be a woman working in business. Bless your heart.

    Not sure why you’re addressing a comment I made in relation to another man crying about wearing suits like I’m the one being the whiner.

    Do you think this hurt me even a little? What a waste of life you are.

    Just as much a victim as those poor boys who have to wear grown up suits to work.

    hahahahahahahahhahahahahah! You’re funny.

    dammit. I forgot about this guy.

    I’m sorry I don’t give a fuck. Yeah men have to wear suits but how nice they just get to pick out a different tie to wear every day & no one implies they look like sluts for wearing somethingn sold in stores as business attire. I need to have matching shoes, jewelry, hose, take an hour to do my hair & makeup & make

    Can you please stop with the Cry it Out is cruel? It’s not. Recent studies have found that practicing graduated extinction provides a number of benefits regarding sleep, cortisol levels are actually lower in these babies & they saw no greater signs attachment or emotional issues a year out.

    There really isn’t any science that says AP is the “best” way to raise a kid. Parents should do what works best for their babies but to shame women who don’t take the same approach? Naw. Also that sounds like a terrible way to handle a misbehaving toddler. Mine is almost 4 so around that age & we usually do a short

    The article I read made it sound like she was in the intersection when the light was green, but wasn’t able to continue through until after the light turned red. I’m guessing they just didn’t notice each other.

    She has some batshit parenting ideas that she threw in a book “with science” Personally I’m not a fan of people who push attachment parenting onto women.