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    You know how many women’s lives are ruined from being raped? How come you guys only care about the accused rapists quality of life?

    This lady makes me wanna barf. Mommy bloggers are the worst. They are all insufferable.

    Agreed. Liam was like 14 when they met. 14 year old boys have to be the biggest turnoff in the entire universe.

    Honestly, I peruse PEOPLE and US Weekly (which is the one the Ivanka article is in) and US Weekly definitely seems to lean more neutral/fluff stories on the Trumps. People seems more willing to make fun of the president (doing stories about people mocking whatever dumb thing he just did.) I wonder if that’s

    Nope. That’s welfare. Plus Jim Boob served one term as a AR senator for free healthcare for life for him and his cult of children.

    I actually read that they lock the kids’ doors at night. Which a) good thing there has never been a fire and b) yikes, that’s disturbing.

    well bless your heart you stupid cunt.

    All his lines were creepy semi-sexual & dumb as fuck. Women come in different breeds you know?

    Doesn’t matter the little piss baby OP dismissed my comment. I guess reflecting on our reactions is too much for some guys. Why are men such weak little emotional creatures?

    you say “race” isn’t an issue and you think I’m not smart enough. Okay buddy. Damn are you a dude? How do you be so confident while being so fuckign stupid? Good party trick.

    lol good one. It’s pretty obvious everyone here thinks you’re the fuckign moron. So go on and fuck yourself. dumbass.

    You seem stupid as fuck. Nothing I can say will fix that though. Sorry.

    I’ve always thought her comedy was harsh but it’s about the most pampered coddled group of people in the history of the world. She punches up beautifully.

    Yeah go fuck yourself with your faux outrage. Republicans absolutely did not give a shit when Obama was lynched, burned, called every ugly ignorant word in the book, while his daughters were called monkeys and niggers. Seriously go fuck yourself in your diglette you worm.

    No of fucking course she is. “Female Carrot Top” rubs me the wrong way because of course when a woman is doing something for attention we must denigrate her in any and all ways possible. It likely wasn’t done maliciously, it just sucks that putting down a woman means automatically acting like no one knows who she is

    You’re first sentence applies a thousand times more to the man who is supposed to be in charge of our fucking country. Seriously. We are holding a fucking comedian to a higher standard. We are fucked.

    oh my god. you sound liek my dad.
    “In my day I dated Geri. We go way back.”

    Yeah let’s fuck off with the blatant sexism here.

    Yes! People are acting like these girls should just be thrilled and happy to be alive and have these men die. They blame themselves and that is incredibly fucked up. It’s wrong and it’s not a lesson I want any children of this country to take away from this.

    no shit. What are you doing acting so fucking obtuse?. Micah wanted to bring attention to the initial victims of this situation. Who cares? Why the fuck do you begrudge him discussing the other victims who’s scares aren’t psychical? Like get a fucking life you pedantic weirdo.