Luan Oliveira

All the server’s a stage,
And all the men and women are merely player characters

And really, doubling down on the bigotry etc. will secure you a literally insanely loyal audience.

Yeah, I’d say that being a man who wants to have a say about what women can or can’t do with their bodies and the unrecognizable clump of cells inside them is pretty stupid.

You’re acting like this is somehow at odds.

the core belief that human life beginning at conception isn’t a nonsensical one.

As someone else said, people can have their viewpoints. We’re also still allowed to criticize them for it.


Scott, bro, you don’t have to retire. You can just *own* this if you want. Just straight up be like “yes, I love my LGBTQ audience, and I am also sending money directly to politicians who will use said money and their positions of power to reduce this audience to second class citizens in a best case scenario.

Republicans are usually both.

I’m pro-life ... I believe in common sense.

“Alas, poor Yorick6969420, I knew him, xHoratiox23897. A fellow of infinite cash, of excellent weaponry. In heists he hath born me on his back a thousands time and oh, how abhorrent a pilot was he. The memories haunt me.

Today's capitalism boils down to: make a rich asshole richer because your societal competence and relevancy ties to it.

Wrong. You NEED job because capitalism.

Yeah but he wouldn’t hit me because I’m not a woman.

If Mayweather could read this, he would be so mad at you right now.

It’s a fucking editorial. It says so directly above the headline.

The easiest solution to this is to not load up kotaku if you feel this way about it

#1: Nobody cares
#2: You participating in discussion here only drives activity and clicks to the site.
#3: See #1


Would you like me to change your diaper for you?