Luan Oliveira

That’s not your monkey, that’s my monkey ... and I have a ... text message ... that proves it?

I’ll happily go back to the days of resolving labor disputes by dragging the bosses into the streets and bludgeoning them into submission.

Most tech workers are hopeless Ayn Rand Libertarian assholes.

This doesn’t tend to work well in industries that aren’t heavily unionized.

The reality is that for plenty of would-be developers, working for a big company like Activision-Blizzard or Ubisoft is a dream come true, and being presented with a bunch of job vacancies for a company that is in need of developers is a much

That’s where being unionized would come in handy methinks.

Unionize, strike, unite, make it industry standards of working so none of this power of abuse happens and the workers can organize and fight back again sexual assault and death from their shackles of oppression.

All it would take to get things to change is for most if not all of the staff to stand up and go home until things are changed. That would light a fire under their asses, as they’d never in a million years be able to replace most of their workforce without massive delays of every project currently going on.

“To this end, we propose that Activision Blizzard, Ubisoft, and other industry-leading publishers and developers collaborate and agree to a set of rules and processes for handling reports of these offenses.”

You wrote five angry paragraphs about this article, and unlike him you’re not getting paid to write about this stuff. I don’t think he’s the one having “emotional outburtsts,” bro.

No respectable journalist would degrade themselves to that point just to clap back at some trolls. As a reader, I’d prefer if the writers didn’t use the platform for emotional outbursts.”

Have you been a respectable journalist? Do you have a degree in journalism? I do, and I say you’re full of it. Journalism is about

“No respectable journalist would degrade themselves to that point just to clap back at some trolls.”

I wonder what it says about you that this is how your interpret the celebration of options that allow greater accessibility.

You clearly have a very interesting perspective. Could you elaborate on how my ego issues are manifest in this article, to the degree that they are the only reason this article exists? 

OMG yes. But also a toggle for "There's a 6yo literally climbing on me while I'm playing."

The BEST part is that the same nerds crying about how “Game Journalists can’t play games” all cite the exact same like, *four* examples and that’s it. Every time. It’s all they have.

I don’t have any real interest in Assassin’s Creed one way or the other; I just want to applaud Ash for using ‘Anthem’ and ‘GTA V’ as the two benchmarks of Live Service, which feels like a nicely succinct way to sum up ‘how Live Service can fail’ versus ‘how Live Service can succeed’ (financially, at least). The

My favorite thing is you said “don’t be a Highlight Truther or you’re a piece of shit, it’s immediately followed by Highlight Truthers lol

Sir, this is a Wendy’s

The extending of his legs and reaching arm simply give the impression of gaining more height. Do you even physics bro? #iwannabelieve

gotta say, if you spend 20 years teaching something and none of your students pick it up, maybe it’s the fault of the teacher.