Luan Oliveira


that’s not what the text says in any way whatsoever lol git gud at reading comprehension

And now we have to endure years of mouthbreathers blaming “liberals” for a grown man suffering the consequences of his actions.

Rich people support the R’s because that means they’re able to keep living off american socialism for the rich. He’s put his own financial interest in front of the security of every LGBTQIA+ and POC in America. That’s the beginning and the end of the story.

based on what precious little knowledge I have on fighting sports... is boxing turning into WWE? it sure reads like it ._.

Good article, but what would make it better would be, oh I don’t know, republishing the taken-down article in full or at least the links to the charities. Just saying.

I’ve heard he’s had to keep a hand on the wheel of his creations out of fear that Nintendo would cannibalize them, too...

I was radicalized by a certain Matthew Patrick on this subject. Let. Sakurai. Get. Some. Rest.

kids get a bad rep (often rightfully) but this is the kind of stuff where I don’t think you could get more than one spoiled brat in the same place. the rest’d be disappointed, polite kids.

Newsflash: this article is Good and Awesome

and this has to do with the article in that...

wrong again. are you even trying?


Ah! Sorry, I must have read too quickly. As I understood it, your mom herself was called Lucy.

I don’t think anyone doing the Lord’s work on those chats expects the streamers to actually answer. In fact, I don’t think they think the questions they’re asking are answerable, because they’re not. What’s happening here is, there’s a streaming channel being used as recruitment propaganda, and there’s a grassroots

Ok, cel. Jessup, but did you order the Code Red??

Um, excuse me? How dare you get to the end of the article without sharing the names of the toyota corolla that’s almost old enough to be fueled by moonshine and the very large plant child?

Cannot wait for Mario Kart Live 2049, in which a tiny replicant that looks just like Mario obeys our every sick whim.

jesus christ almighty

Listen, the turn took entirely way too long, ok. You had me hard on the first half, don’t do this to a man.