except that it’s not. chill.
except that it’s not. chill.
He’s the type of guy who shits on people and get extra whiney when people throw it back.
I'm sure it crosses their mind right away, but the whole schtick for right wing trolls is to feign ignorance and then act indignant when called out for their assholery. "It's your fault you got offended when I insulted you to your face!" Never forget that playing pretend is the biggest thing these people do.
Nope. Because it’s pretty obvious they did it just to be an asshole.
“It concludes with an unrelated but unsubtle political message: “TRUMP 2020.”
“Loris said he’s a Trump supporter . . .”
“Gosh, if you care so much about your party and have to yell at some random dude who broke in, it’s stupid. You can’t just eat around it? It’s your fault you didn’t buy more locks for your back door. Why are you so easily offended?”
I forget who it was, but somebody in the games press said it on Twitter when Kotaku kept posting nothing-articles about Dr Disrespect, because the articles were just variations on “Dr Disrespect banned from Twitch, doesn’t know why” over and over: you don’t always have to write the article. And if you do write the…
They believe in freedom - specifically their freedom, and if that tramples on someone else’s freedoms, well, too bad!
I’m not going to say it’s not relevant, but I really wish you guys hadn’t contacted his dumbass.
The same people that argue being tolerant means you have to tolerate their intolerance. Classy bunch.
“If you care about a game and are willing to go and spam dislike some random dude on the internet because you cant play it for 3 minutes, it’s stupid.”
Ah yes, conservatives. The folks who champion personal responsibility until that responsibility is “don’t be a prick.” Then it’s everyone else’s fault for being annoyed or upset at their behavior.
Wow, deeply weird that an Ubisoft creative director from back in their rampant sexual harassment wild boy days would have a flagrant yellow peril take. Just curious and curiouser.