
French fried onion bits, once pulverized, can perform many of the functions a breadcrumb would, and they taste like onions, which is a fun taste. You can mix them into meat for extra flavorful meatballs...

I’ll agree Birchwood can be hit or miss on the food - and the service can be achingly, achingly, slow - note I just mentioned the pies. My husband loves it there, though.

I had Lemon Posset a couple of times last year in the UK and fell in love. I did make it at home, but I used a recipe that called for UK-style double-cream, and it was totally worth the effort of finding it.

I lost my mom to colon cancer 9 years ago this past September. There’s so much I could say, but won’t. Instead, I just leave you some offerings:

When did you live here?

There’s also a chocolate version, but honestly, this one is better. Sometimes, you don’t need a chocolate punch, but just the variations in texture of good vanilla mixed with varying amounts of cream.


It’s not the fear, so much as having room and the arm strength. I have a smallish kitchen and shoulder injuries, so the laminating process is just a no-go for me, even shortened like you’ve presented here. (The hip injuries also don’t help - I have to stagger all my Christmas cookie and cake baking over a week to make

You can have my lutefisk, and I will have an aquavit Bloody Mary.

The corn fritters are worth the price of the book alone. ;)

I don’t really love any of the traditional pies for after the traditional holiday meals.

You know about Inn at the Crossroads, and their GRRM-sanctioned official Game of Thrones cookbook, yes?

Allow me - a woman with a “man’s” name - to just reply thusly:

I had never heard of Kringle until I moved to Wisconsin from the east coast.

You really, really do.  I had a bunch of dipping stuff, but ultimately some nice crusty bread, Granny Smith slices, and the gherkin/prosicutto combo were the winners.

If you happen to have leftover prosciutto - a long shot, I know - bake yourself a brie, camembert, or even a nice stinky epoisses.

That Atlantic article showed up twice on my FB feed, both times posted by Latinx friends. Neither of whom had actually read either of Michael’s pieces. But OMG! Michael called Mayor Pete a liar and a bad word! Why the man should be immune from criticism, I have no fucking idea - even John McWhorter wrote “Recall,

Better than a granny cart - was it one of those with the three-pronged wheels? - but if you have a lot of stairs, I’m not sure how it works. (I have an elevator in my building, so at best I’m bumping this up and down 4 stairs at my grocery store.)

When it’s empty, you can extend it to its length, but keep it collapsed,

Yeah, I’m in one of the Twin Cities, but I’m from NYC. The foot traffic here is several orders of magnitude smaller (though I contend they are several orders of magnitude more clueless). Not to mention the haphazardly parked dockless bike and scooters. My cart is a lot more maneuverable.