
In more cheerful news, the fucktard was egged by a teenager. Said teenager was completely unphased when this complete waste of protoplasm and oxygen turned around and punched the kid in the face, and then had his team tackle the kid.

Kid was arrested, but released without charges, and basically made a statement that

Holy crap, that’s infuriating.

This is the lemon pasta my family makes - it’s from the 1993 cookbook, Father Orsini’s Italian Kitchen.” It does require some patience and tweaking, but it is an intensely lemony dish. Notes at the end.

On Twitter, Twin Cities residents were saying, “Dude, no one threatened you. This is Minnesota. That’s not really a thing here.”

This, however, was my favorite response.

The part that pisses me off about this, really, is abusing the learning-disorder exception for the SAT/ACT.

I think this episode was always going to present difficulties.

One of my biology profs once posited that cats are the absolute, perfect predator. (The combo of speed, silence, and bite strength.) Every time I see one of these videos, I have to agree.

Why is Scott Walker still a thing?  Why do I still have to look at his face?

Yep. White woman with a head of thick and mildly coarse 3b curls. (I inherited my mane from my American-Sicilian parent.)

There was a place here in the Twin Cities that did the classic ice-cream cocktails. While I had heard of a Grasshopper and Brandy Alexander, the Galliano and Pink Squirrel were mysteries.

We tried the latter two once, and were deeply unimpressed. The house creation of a cocktail version of the local Pearson’s Salted

There was a place here in the Twin Cities that did the classic ice-cream cocktails. While I had heard of a Grasshopper and Brandy Alexander, the Galliano and Pink Squirrel were mysteries.

We tried the latter two once, and were deeply unimpressed. The house creation of a cocktail version of the local Pearson’s Salted

I live in Minnesota these days, and I’m “meh” on her. I don’t know if it’s because she throws off a severe Minnesota Nice vibe, but I’ve always been like, “Yep, decent positions, good committee memberships, and the Republican opponent is horrible. I’m voting Klobuchar.”  It’s not like she’s my most favorite Senator

Dude - I got mono in my 20's, but didn’t know that until my doctor finally put all my recent symptoms together. At one point, I found my insomniac self - who normally survived on 4 hours of sleep at the time - falling asleep behind the wheel while driving down I-95 in Virginia. I pulled over into the parking lot of a

We have an acquaintance who hits on every female server we happen to have when we go out. It’s obnoxious as hell (and my husband and I will over-tip, since he’s an average tipper at best).

She was such an underrated actress. 

Steve Martin in general.

Now playing

“The story of the game is one of the main guys on the Rangers - don’t know how to say his name, it has, like, 30 letters in it, none of them are vowels - um, he’s playing great. Which is crazy because he got in a full fist-fight in the first minute of the game. Um, but, hey, as they say in hockey...’Let’s do that

My late mother used to have a saying about that:

My late paternal grandmother smoked like a chimney from 16 to 75, was a maintenance alcoholic fond of double - or triple - “martinis” (that’s in quotes because she poured vodka into a glass next to a vermouth bottle) and a very large snifter of brandy at bedtime, and never turned down a saturated fat-laden meal washed