
Makes you wonder what’s gonna happen when Nancy drinks Ember’s essence and picks up the Rhinemann Ultra.

Gr0wing up in an Italian-American family, I remember eating Nutella in the 80's. But a jar of it was a rare treat - it wasn’t meant for daily consumption. It was parceled out in very small amounts. I can never understand people who eat it in big gobs, since I’ve always thought it was just too sweet for that.

I had friends over for that Super Bowl, and I literally started whooping with glee when “Best of You” started. I had to explain to them after the show why it was so damn awesome (especially with that actual side-eye at the end of the song). You would think that living just over the St. Croix some Prince would rub off

I watched it again this morning, and what struck me after last night was that Prince was covered neck to toe, and the only thing he took off was his soaking-wet do-rag...and he was exponentially more compelling to watch than Proactiv Spokesman Adam Levine could ever hope to be on his most skin-exposed days.

My husband and I decided that we just weren’t watching this year. We didn’t think it would be an interesting game at all, you can watch all the commercials online anyway, and we’re just so fucking tired of the Pats being in the Super Bowl.

There was someone doing this anonymously in the Twin Cities as well.

Somewhere, Barack Obama is laughing really, really hard.

The advisor told Fox that Schultz wants to know how Americans outside of the “Washington to New York Amtrak corridor” react to the idea of him running.

I love him so much - he’s brilliant on The Good Place.

We have a new member of the Most Slappable Face HOF. (Other members include Richard Spencer, Milo Yiannopoulos, Martin Shkreli, and Ajit Pai.)

I have a Kindle, but I also still have quite a few books. But that being said, I got rid of 2/3 of my books during my last move. The books that remain fall into a few categories:

A “sanctimommy” helped kill one of my favorite sushi restaurants in my neighborhood. The place did have some other issues, but they had been working them out - but this social media review several nails in their coffin.

The TL;DR was the mother felt that even though she knew her baby was a fussy screamer, it was

Time to pull out this DVD again...

I have a different Chashu recipe (mine’s from here), because I like to make Hiyashi Chuka at home from time to time. (Using these noodles and the sauce packet with it.)

I truly, madly, deeply want Suckabee to take a basic civics exam live on the Internet - you know, like the one they give to people looking to achieve naturalized citizenship - to see if she actually understands how the government works.

I heard about Christie going to meet Trump yesterday and REALLY wanted to be a fly on the all in that room.  I feel like it was a tremendous “Fuck off and die” moment for Christie.

Alternatively, they let it go through, but lobby the bejeezus out of it and make it so high-speed trading is exempt, but the kind of trading that supports 401(k)s and pension plans is taxed heavily. Because the 99% don’t need those retirement incomes anyway, but they totally need their 4th house in Aspen.