Lord Steven Varys Adams


With 2:30ish left and a timeout or two Trubiscuit gets the ball back and I can feel fate trying to intervene to make him an instant mega star by manufacturing a game winning drive against a superior division rival on MNF in his first ever game. It all lines up perfectly and then... instant interception. He looked

If done correctly, they would be able to help with traffic because the cars can communicate their intentions and drive like a school of fish. Driving faster, closer together, and still be much safer than idiots on the road today. The only problem with driving 110 mph is that by the time you realize that the guy in

Total War nut here, can’t even fathom the hours spent loving these games. I can’t explain my excitement at the massive shift away from the “steam rolling.” Breaking away from historical settings and going fantasy was the first major shift that blew my mind, and now this strategic layer of strike and defend are

Yes, but if you take Fire Emblem for example, after the success of Awakening we are getting inundated with bad games just so they can suck that tit dry for a while. Do you want more Metroid even if its bad?

*Thumbs Down* Not Recommended

Did you read the part where I explained that they could not afford to come here legally so a husband and wife were separate for over 3 years and my oldest uncles (who were only highschool/middle school aged at the time) all worked full time hours to save up enough money to send back for the rest of their family?

My family immigrated legally from Colombia, so I’m from the Americas by birth and a legal U.S. citizen as we went through the process. As I apparently fit all of your criteria, I’d be happy to show each of them the door personally if it would make you less squeemish.

+1 a little pee came out!

Except that the way things may shake out, they’d be first round against Bulls, and we all know how that would shake out for the Bosh look a likes.

+1 Oh man the nostalgia bomb from this post

Somehow you found my exact brand of random words put together incoherently, but with enough flow that you can get from A to Lava floor. +1 spat my coffee all over the desk

I came from a school district that would in all possible ways incorporate disabled children into normal classrooms, and truly feel like it was fantastic for personal growth and the growth of my peers. One of the nicest and funniest guys I’ve ever met had autism, but it didn’t stop him from being named our prom king

Its odd too, because I can certainly recall back in middle school members of my team wrestling girls because the school they came from didn’t have boys in that weight class or didn’t have a girls team. I am however from the liberal state of Illinois, so maybe that’s just not a big deal here. I would maybe suggest

As a Chicago fan and while wearing my Butler jersey I am typing to tell you that the only feeling I had when this happened was: “Wow that’s fucked up, but glad we have an all star starter to get those calls finally.” Also, it just counteracts a bad call or two that Thomas got earlier in the game.

Spat coffee everywhere upon reading“Now multiply by penis.” Had to get a loaner computer at work so mine could dry. +1 you goddamn genius

Play of the game!

I know a thing or two about getting punched in the dick, and let me tell you sir, your comment deserves just that!

Lifelong Bulls fan here and between this kid, Thibs, and the wife being from Minne, I have to say that it feels like I should probably get an Adrian Peterson Jersey and a husky.

+1 Exactly my stream of consciousness