“the raps are just petrified of Lebron in the playoffs” TFIFY
“the raps are just petrified of Lebron in the playoffs” TFIFY
Purdon’t joke about treating women poorly...
“Free tickets to Wolves games where you can watch Derrick Rose quit on both his team and himself IN PERSON!”
“Well when I’m making a physical comparison between 2 people it seems inherent to the process to comment on their physical appearance. He can be pudgy all he wants, I’m not suggesting he needs to change himself for me or anyone else. How should I have said that he looks like Amy Schumer, but fat fatter?”
Its moments like yesterday when I immediately fall in love with a game that I never would have found on my own that I truly appreciate Kotaku. This game is brilliant and the promo for Into the Breach and FTL on GOG.com for just $15 was just a ridiculous deal. “Kaiju Chess” is the best chess.
I just barely managed to tear myself away from this game about a month ago after my own three playthroughs, and now you go and make me want to start number four! Just when I was really getting into Total Warhammer II too...
Won’t be COTD, should be COTD
Jameis Winston would like to have a word...
Person apparently for abortion, the killing of an unborn child, calls “anti-choice” people dangerous? This irony can not go unrecognized.
Your comment served to remind me that I am immature for my age as I LOL’d and spat a bit. I knew it was coming, but I couldn’t resist. Kudos
I currently have a very respectable nice boss-man and hope to in the near future take what I have learned from him to also (if given the opportunity) one day soon, myself, be a very respectable nice boss-man.
Does saying “Namaste” after suggesting another human being take their own life over trivial internet teasing absolve said behavior? Sounds like maybe you need an editor brain implant to function as a conscience.
This is generically the same advise I gave myself upon having our first baby girl 4.5 months ago, but you know I’ve kind of been very proud of myself and my wife in how this has actually played out. My best friends are scattered all over the country at this point and games are what brought us together in the first…
Every now and then I’ll be talking with someone who hasn’t played video games in a while, and they’ll ask me which console they should get if they want to get back into games. A year ago, I would have told them without hesitation to get a PS4. Nowadays, I tell them to look at the Switch first. gaming laptop or desktop…
Went to Icon’s website to see if they had mentioned anything yet, and found this gutrench in return.
Can we just refer to these guys as the Loveabutts since it feels like half of the list Gar and Pax are responsible for?
There were fouls on both teams, penalties offset, replay down.
Hmm I was already enrolled in the beta program and haven’t received the OTA update yet, still on 8.0.0. Verified from your link that I am enrolled and did a check for update and still nothing. Any common causes you can think of? I’m on a Pixel XL btw.
Had to look it up, good work