Cactus Plant Flea Market-style four-eyed toys of the old McDonald’s characters
I have news for you; Canadians are just as bigoted and inept as Americans, or Europeans, or Asians, or Africans, or South Americans, or Australians, or...
I guess people dont have phones
Now that the series is 20 years old, can Sora be a disillusioned 34-year-old father who has to balance work, parenting and going out with his best buds Donald and Goofy?
Fucking whatever, just go ahead and shoot this dumb shit straight into my veins. I’ve already tried to get out and I can’t stop myself, so lets see where this train wreck of a franchise ends up at.
Your favorite insufferable young-adult fiction protagonist is back to whine and r/im14andthisisdeep his way through another convoluted quest to save... something, and push back against the most powerful force of evil in the Disneyverse: puberty.
“Some people like to see an interesting world deeply realised”
Reading all of this sold me more than anything else on this game.
The best thing about the game is the way it respects your time, in total contrast to every other entry in the series.
I don’t care if it’s messy, I care if it’s ambitious, a word I never thought I’d associate with GameFreak.
That’s a creative way to get a few days off as a streamer. Good call.
Twitter was a mistake.
Beyond that, the article talks about how pretty the game is and includes just a single screenshot and a piece of key art that looks like every other JRPG key art.
“Sorry, Infinity Engine purists—the combat in Baldur’s Gate 3 is entirely turn-based.”
Multiplayer Divinity is the closest I’ve ever come to that feeling in a video game honestly, so I have decently high hopes for this game, even though it’s not quite as diverse (no way it could be) as an actual DM running the scenario.
For instance in Divinity: Original Sin, I stumbled across an exploding suicide bomber…
*cough* Unionize. *cough*
I want this to be true, just like I wanted it to be true when my father said he was “just running out to get a pack of smokes” in 1989.
Don’t remind me about Anthem, it makes me sad.