Was really hoping this was one of the shell articles that asks a question in the headline, but you open it up to a one word article. In this case the TLDR would say “No.”
Was really hoping this was one of the shell articles that asks a question in the headline, but you open it up to a one word article. In this case the TLDR would say “No.”
NFL: It was a catch, we are sorry. #youknowwhatImean
This series is going to be over in 4 :( As a Bulls fan I wanted both teams to somehow lose, but now the ignorant debate of G(T)OAT will be even more unbearable.
While at the tender age of 26 myself, I’m going to offer that being married, owning a home in the suburbs, and taking care of a recently acquired puppy has accelerated my decline of fragging abilities. I came across your article on Friday and felt it applied to my life and just commenting to say thank you sir for…
This knowledge just broke the floor of my flaming-pile-o-shitometer... SMGDH
This was something I was entirely unaware was even an issue, so thank you for the education! Pardoning my previous ignorance on the matter I have a thought.
Now he just needs to animate it into a crying Russell/Jordan Kickstart commercial.
“Atlas Shrugged”... Upside the head when they misbehave
Too bad we can’t clone him :( because... you know
True saltiness can only be achieved through having one’s dicknballz removed by a sorceror... named Draymond