Cabbage Patch Mather

Because right now there’s enough guns to arm every man, woman, child and pre born, with enough for seconds, *warning* the previous comment may be a alternate fact, I just pulled it out of my ass. Hey, if it’s good enough for Drumphf, it’s good enough for me.

They were non-existent for the Ft. Lauderdale airport shooting.

Even if you were really dedicated to gun control as your main issue, realistically, what is the point anymore? NRA-owned President, Congress and soon to be SCOTUS. That jig is up.

We bought our first gun right after the election. It sickened me to do it, but there it is. Ugh.

Suddenly all those 2nd amendment nuts are making some good points.

Jews are some of my fav people in the world :), once a Jew friend offered to marry me to stop a future deportation, thank you for your love though I needed this! Even though I’m legal now half my family and friends aren’t and this situation is stressing my community to no end.

Military intervention? Not sure I follow. How do you mean?

Jew, reporting in! Guess who has two thumbs, a futon, and endless empathy for a refugee narrative? *this mensch*

Did you see the interview with Masha Gessen on Samantha Bee’s show? Gessen was imputing some fairly arcane motivations to Trump, and Samantha Bee basically wondered whether he was intelligent enough to devise such advance plans.

You’re really giving him a lot of credit by suggesting anything he’s doing is part of anything even remotely resembling a plan.

Trump’s plan is to tie us up all in court for the next four years? So nothing proactive can be accomplished? How many arbitrary Executive Orders have been mandated?

Just hide the immigrants and refugees in libraries, H&R Block and sexual harassment prevention classes. Trump will never find them there.

Maybe I’m just an old because at 37, I am old enough to remember that when a bunch of assholes in Florida decided that both parties were the same and Ralph Nadar was the better alternative, thousands of American soldiers died and 100k+ Iraqis died as a result. And to be clear: GWB was terrible, but I’d take another 8

I was feeling fired up/ready to go from the march, but THIS shit?

We’ve been successfully factionalized. If black activists don’t “trust” white activists, then we have nothing. Nobody wins these battles alone.

Amen. We do not have to agree on everything to pursue common goals. Religious sects realized that ages ago - there’s all kinds of interfaith efforts between sects that literally think members of the other sects are doomed to eternal torment because of their beliefs.

In all fairness, had they defeated Pompeo, Trump certainly would have found someone worse.

That’s why it’s the left, and why they will continue to eat themselves alive.

In this recent census, it’s actually 77.1%. African Americans only make up 13.3%. So, yeah, these marches incorporating people from across the nation are going to be overwhelming lily. Some people don’t realize that in some part of this country you can drive for hours and hours and see nothing but white faces. Whole

Organize my people? As though as a white woman, all other white women are my people? Not only is that statement is not in any way helpful to the progressive cause (as white women are not given magical powers to convince the worst of white society to change their minds), it also serves to create a false division