Cabbage Patch Mather

Exactly. I’m extremely progressive and it’s been disheartening to see members on the left trying to let the perfect get in the way of the good. As if, if you haven’t been to a BLM protest then you have no right to march in support of women’s right/against Trump.

Yeah, this. It might mark me as a heretic, but I’m not honestly convinced in the correctness of the Standing Rock crowd. I’m not at all sure that opposing the pipeline and forcing all that oil into trains is the better option. Does that mean I can’t march in support of women’s rights? I’m also not a socialist, I

And what about demonstrations/protests that don’t target a particular demographic? People in my area are gearing up to protest the Ed Secretary confirmation. If someone with kids protests Betsy DeVos, but doesn’t show up for the Dakota Pipeline, are they not a good enough liberal or radical?

No. We have to cry like fucking babies because despite everyone getting a cookie, some people only had two raisins in theirs and others had four.

I’ve seen branches of the armed forces treat new recruits more gently than some of these protest movements do. I understand the pain and anger, I do. But when you take someone full of determination, energy, and drive, who’s asking ‘how can I help and what can I do,’ and turn it into hesitance, apology, retreat, and

If we don’t have these purity tests to rectify every micro-aggression in order to use the word “unify”, how will we possibly keep ourselves from making any progress?

Or perhaps it was all just an opportunity to take selfies at a trending event.

Yes, I was making this point earlier. Essentially the march was a massive organizers need to grab these people and activate them. I didn’t march but I am a white woman involved in SURJ and my first point of order is to ask all marched to attending our next SURJ meeting. I think its way more effective

You see it on the other side too. Like you can’t be Republican and denounce Trump unless you want to called a traitor. You have to be with him for everything or be left out in the cold. (Hello, Romney.) Because of this we ended up with the GOP as it is today. A monster on Capitol Hill.

Agreed. An activists job at a large successful action is not to whine about why the people who showed up weren’t at the previous actions, but to do something — other than whining — to make sure as many of them as possible come back to the next one. This article is not helpful.

I work for an advocacy organization. We all went to the march, with our friends and our families.

Honest question: Why the attachment to distrust? What does that serve you? Your argument about maintain concern is valid. But why make a series of blanket assumptions about the participants and their enthusiasm? What is wrong with taking part? What does suspicion and fatalistic thinking accomplish that staying focused

While I understand there are valid critiques of the Women’s March, and they have been discussed elsewhere including other Jezebel articles, this here piece just kinda stinks of “gotta pick apart something!” I think part of the strength of the right is that they rarely eat each other the way we do on the left. No one

Like Republican women?

Yeah I’m with you. Now, did I watch all of these videos and take a moment to enjoy them? Um, yeah. I’m human - God’ll forgive me, he’s cool like that. And I’m not going to stand in huge judgment of the guy that did it or those that enjoy it (like me, for instance), because he sure did have provocation. But it is a

I’m mad about this because it totally justifies Fucking Richard Spencer continuing to drive this “white man victim” narrative. He can now say that the left is as violent as we accuse the alt-right of being. Did this change his mind about his fucked up, misguided beliefs? Not a chance. Did it further entrench him and

I’m not especially concerned about the inaugurationn numbers, but the reason (that seems true to me) that protest marches and so on seem to be the domain of the left is because, generally, those protests are almost always about changing the status quo - civil rights, the rights for women/african americans to vote,

Just about any “Right to Life” March in DC for starters.

Plus, check out this interactive gigapixel view of Trump’s inauguration from CNN. You can zoom in and look around. Jezebel keeps using photos like the one above, but it was clearly much more packed than that. Jezebel (and much of the media) is being disingenuous by using photos from early in the day.