Tebow Kneeled First


Do you need two monitors? Pro.

I think when you walk into their parks you’ve already committed to bending over and letting Disney enter you so a little price gouging for food isn’t going to bother as much as other circumstances

Pot can be a great way to relax at the end of the day. And it won’t leave you sick with hangovers, violent and sloppy, or calling your exes at one in the morning.

It was really hard to accomplish in January 2021 but getting my own free weights and a bicycle at home was the best thing I ever did. The stands and bench fold up into the closet. I can't do some the fancier crap but I look great so who cares?

Apple definitely is. I think they are a little less likely to sell your data to brokers, but data is the new gold and you are a cow to be milked.

And this is so fucking hard to find. There's no such thing as an objectively good therapist. There's only a therapist that is good for you. Which means you can spend a year "dating" therapists until you find one that fits. And that process is exhausting and most people won't succeed.

Yes, it’s shitty when people do this and a potential doxxing situation.

Appropriate response.

I’m surprised the dealership model has held on this long. But the Zoomers are increasingly at car-buying age and they don’t tend to tolerate that kind of bullshitery.

Interesting. Oh oops it's the 2nd. Maybe next month.

Walk away. I'm not sure if this is considered rude or not being as I have always been too far away to hear the feedback.

Hm. That was not how it was explained to me but you know how these things are.

“Based” - the younglings version of “I concur”, the successor to “this” as a show of agreement with whatever the person they are replying to said. Stems from “based in...” like “based in reality” or “based in fact”. Often used sarcastically.

Long-term results do not come from a diet change. They come from a “lifestyle change” and it can be hard for people to understand what that means. Most people don’t need keto, they need to only eat fast food rarely if ever and do most of their shopping in the produce section. Muscle mass will make dropping weight

By far the most important part is setting aside the hour you need to do it 2-3 days a week and then doing it. Really if you show up and just keep trying you will figure it out. It will take a couple months to yield any results so if you can't stick with it then it won't happen.

Right because the cops only ever raid the homes of guilty people.

How about we fight back against DRM and then you can do what you want with your copy of the media in a far easier to preserve and move format

Maybe don't own a plane if your problem is you don't know where to keep it.

Well that's a relief.