
I don't understand that reference, but I want to.

So you're not going to mention that the 3D re-release is happening in a month? Oh, right because this post has NOTHING to do with that. The timing is pure coincidence, I'm sure.

I don't get it

put a finger in there, baby. No homo.

Gaia. GAIA.

I see what you did there.


That's also why I'm not called Atlantis.



Well, I think you're right.

the first mass effect is really, really boring.

I have to agree.

So true! I've been working out regularly for years now and I've lost almost 200lbs, but I have to keep reminding myself that I need to constantly push the limits.

I'm fairly confident that this guy could not, under any circumstances, "...get into the MIND of a girl gamer."

Yeah, it's actually kinda scary. imagine being the parent and realizing your kid did that to you.

Tilda Swinton, obviously.

Well, I for one found the article interesting enough that I did not notice or care about small grammatical errors.

that sounds like a reward, not a punishment.