
I have noticed.

They totally sound like the jetsons' car-jet as they pass by.

OMG you guys!! There are different cultures with different ideas of masculinity! like, wow.

My throat thanks you, and I do to'o'.

Well, I was kinda hoping one of my 'close friends' would 'leak' the 'information' to the 'press,' but that didn't 'happen.'

None of those magazines covered my strep throat from this past weekend.

I think that's awesome - the more people champion the artistic merits of games the more artists will want to use games to express themselves. I do think games will achieve consensus, capital 'A' Art status someday.

Well, I don't like minecraft either, but I don't know anything about the guy who made it. Personally, I think this is an incredible time for games. As the market for personal, emotionally affecting games expand more and more creative and talented people will see games as a viable medium to express themselves. The more

I think you have a valid point, as I certainly have strong opinions on some modernist works...

We consider it Art, true. But did Giotto's contemporaries consider it Art, or just decoration? Maybe today's video games will be considered Art in the future.

Which ones would you recommend?

I don't think Art is entirely subjective. I think Art is a considered personal expression meant to convey an intangible essence of the human experience. Art is also something like pornography. You know it when you see it. So, actually, in a way you're right. Art is somewhat subjective, but it also has to meet certain

I love video games, but they're not art. At least not yet. Video Games have barely even begun to get their story telling skills together. The so-called 'best' narratives/character development in games is simplistic and ridiculous compared to narratives/characters in other mediums. I understand the desire to elevate

This is fantastic! I've always wanted a child but I've been afraid that I'd eat it. Now I can!

I'm on my phone all the time. I don't have sex.

I see. That makes sightly more sense. I thinking I'm not the target audience in any case.

I don't understand - why would someone pay $50 for a 3-D computer model of a phone? Is it just for publications, such as Gizmodo? I honestly can't fathom an individual paying that much to look at CG. I sincerely hope i'm just not getting the significance.