
1. What is your favorite Spyro game. 2. Would you like to see re-makes/remasters? 3. rate your love of Spyro on a scale of 10-11.

That intro music is perfect.

Related tangentially - What’s the story with D.Va? I vaguely remember her back story describing her as a Korean pop star who liked to play video games. But her in-game character description says she was a pro gamer, and doesn’t mention being a pop star at all. Did I imagine the pop star thing because I equated D.Va to

I realize I’m in the minority, but while the hair is technically impressive, I found it to be distracting in-game. Aloy’s hair moved like it was a sentient being. An angry sentient being.

Video game writing is shit. It’s always shit. It’s shit in ‘The Last of Us’ and it’s shit in every game that’s not ‘The Last of Us.’ Based on every objective standard, all video game narratives and writing are shit. The best video game writing is still worse than that twitter story about strippers that went around a

Probably. Unless Omnics don’t have butts. These things work themselves out in the moment.

Zenyatta and I will fight for our love. You can’t stop us!

Naw, everyone knows Zenyatta is the gay one.

This has nothing to do with my attraction to the handsome robot. Totally a coincidence.

I wonder who drew them (and his ab lines) on him. It wasn’t me, sadly :(

Yep. I have two hours on Lucio. The next highest playtime character is somewhere around 15 min. :/
Solo Queue Lucio is the REAL hero in Overwatch.

Queuing solo can be frustrating, and yeah, playing with friends is best.....except I’m literally the only gamer in my circle of friends. When my friends come over they point to my ps4 and ask where I got the cool cable box :(
Anyway, when queuing solo, paying attention to party comp is even more important because

I’m 34 and I almost exclusively watch YouTube over traditional cable TV. It’s weird when I think about it - but then again, not really. Most TV shows don’t interest me, and they all seem targeted to people who are not interested in things I’m interested in. I buy the seasons of TV shows I watch (there’s only about

Now that’s a reference I understand.

I don’t understand that reference and I won’t respond to it.

I can’t imagine why video games aren’t taken more seriously as an art form or in Media in general, considering what great ambassadors of the form you both are.

The combat/gameplay looks like Dark Souls, and the loot drops look like Diablo. Sold!

I wouldn’t have, and I don’t think that reusing assets in this way is that bad. When done correctly it can still appear quite different in the final game, and it allows the developers to put more effort in other aspects of the game.

I’ll pay her 20 bucks for an album of blank tracks just so she doesn’t have to work with her rapist. I mean, wtf is she supposed to do here? It’s intolerable.

Boredom was by far the strongest enemy in Fallout 4. He always won.

It seems backwards to me. Wouldn’t you need the Shadow Chamber Facility BEFORE you build the Shadow Chamber? Otherwise where’s it gonna go?