Sounds like someone wants to pass through the Iris. And by “Iris” I mean..
Sounds like someone wants to pass through the Iris. And by “Iris” I mean..
Dat ball handling skill.
See, I’m the opposite. The same goes for my brother and my friends. I’m 28, he’s 23, and neither of us ever use YouTube. We have a hard time identifying with any of the content creators and for the most part absolutely hate YouTube shows. The only time I check it out is if I’m looking for a specific movie/video game…
When my wife and I got married we decided to try out not subscribing to cable to avoid costs nd test out just surviving off of internet and netflix. We’ve gaind cable on and off (mostly for sports) but everytime we don’t have a sport to watch the cable box hardly ever got turned on so I always found myself cancellign…
important investigative questions that only will bring
Between this, Diablo, and Hearthstone, Blizzard has become frighteningly good at loot container opening porn. Their next game will probably be called Open These Sweet-Ass Boxes, and I will spend several thousand dollars on it.
Kryptonite toupée.
She’s my new favorite AC lead. They got everything right. Her personality, voice, and looks are all an A+ in my book.
I’ve played 67 hours of this game and did not know about any sort of cover mechanic.
Why? We didn’t get this e-mail nor did we agree to this embargo.
what a bunch of inclusive, thoughtful jerks
Fallout 3 doesn’t follow the same basic formula for open-world sandbox games that has produced some truly great…
In conclusion, Twitter is the worst.
They did a new IP, Watch Dogs. It was really boring.
I adored Spyro games on PS1! Somehow I didn't care how he looks in Skylanders (I don't really like it though), but now when I'm seeing this awesome plushie it makes me really sad and nostalgic.
When I think about it, every cool game hero that I loved - Sonic, Crash, Spyro, Rayman, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter - is…
It's pretty remarkable. It's really some of the safest, most basic material possible. I can only imagine how some of these people would freak out if exposed to some of the real heavy-hitters in this kind of criticism.
It's not better than my selfie with LeVar Burton. Bitches.
Normally you can't move into that spot, as it's blocked by the giant Ancient structure that needs to be destroyed to win against the other team. Instantly after it starts to explode, no actions can be taken by players, since the game is over and the scoreboard comes up. But Storm Spirit has an ultimate ability that…