Lowland Heights

Risk nothing, gain nothing.

Ok, the sable boy way back

Really? She hasn't killed anyone she wasn't ordered to or who didn't richly deserve it, has she?

Is it part of a prophecy?

Maybe genuinely trying to help/underscore his own usefulness?

She didn't say how soon that would be, there's hope yet.

I think Arya's reunion might surprise us. Most of the siblings seem to have a new appreciation for non-psycho family now.

Oh, I actually didn't mean you, I was agreeing with you. But this thread and other reviews have been slamming the poor guy.

Yeah, she was harsh but at least he doesn't have to think his brother murdered his kid anymore. Dad, yes, but does anyone really blame him for that?

I was thinking more about personally: him getting captured, hand cut off, dad mad at him, kids are dead, brother's exiled, sister's nuts and had been freezing him out, people keep mocking him. A fresh military victory might be a nice boost.


Plus, Euron came out of nowhere. They have no information on him or his capabilities yet because he's a new player. I think people are being too hard on Tyrion.

Seriously, let's just release the guy into Westros after one inspection. Didn't even drop drawers, did he? I'm sure I would have remembered…

Just heard Personal Jesus. Immediately pictured Littlefinger singing it. Weird? Accurate?

While Casterly Rock certainly should have emotional significance, Tyrion stated it was the root the the Lannister's power—that came from their gold mines. That's the only good reason to take the time and men to take it, really.

I have been interested to hear how well Varys' spy network is holding up now that he's out of King's Landing and after years of war. He definitely should have known Casterly Rock was tapped out.

Whole relationship, didn't she? I forgot about that mystery character

My thought at the beginning of that scene: "What is the point of a castle if it can't withstand a half-day seige?"

They need to start using those dragons for intel and pinpoint airstrikes instead of having them just flutter around the beach. It's time to get Jon and Tyrion some flight saddles.

Tyrion's also been out of the Westros loop for a while so is at a disadvantage there, plus I really don't think he's ruthless enough at heart to be the sole military strategist.