Lowland Heights

I agree it should have been Jorah, that would have made sense to viewers. There’s been no indication that Tyrion has a romantic thing for either character or that he knows about Jon’s parentage. The alliance is practical and mutual, he should want this.

You were rewatching recently? Started up again and it's so bad I had to come here and see other people sqirm, too, even if it was 7 years ago.

No, I just remember she was there for one of the gatherings and was supposed to rally her people (?) and really I just don't want it to be Varys. And I will not even entertain the idea that Tyrion or Missandi (sp) would turn traitor.

The Red Priestess?

Shhhh! Don't give Qyburn more ideas!

I have never experienced this kind of extreme emotional range during a single show before.

Still not actually psycho, though.

Not much room for error there :O

Re: difference-making: You mean that you knew and she didn't or to the relative marching difficulties of overland marches?
Frankly, I am not convinced the Dornish would be willing to go so far for little pay-off but then Martin does place a lot of emphasis on their revenge drive.

Agreed. Practically an accident and she wasn't happy about it, unlike a Cersei or Joffrey type.

Ok, sorry.

You know very well that I am saying that the desert is not the barrier to them that it would be to others, the same way winter is not the same barrier to the Northmen that it is to soldiers from, say, Kings Landing, as discussed in previous epidodes.


They are from the desert.

They don't do nuanced politcial exposition well in this show, no argument there.
On a different topic related to Headey's mention: Hollywood should pay more attention to the superior skills and charisma of mature actors.

No, castles should be able to withstand anything other than starvation and prolonged catapault barrages.
But that's too long-term for the show.

As Ellaria in the book pretty much went with.

Euron just came on the scene, they don't have a good sense of his capabilities or loyalties yet.

Oohhhh, I completely forgot about any of that. I need to retrad/watch on all the spare time I don't have but make anyway.