Lowland Heights

I think he just knows it will complicate things, no matter what ends up happening. What happens to the alliance if they have a falling-out? What happens if Jon tries to assert himself more as a king once they’re together? In some ways, this is Tyrion’s wheelhouse: mapping out how various relationships will affect the

The cast has admitted that they don’t really know what’s going on. Maisie Williams had to tell the director to tone down the chase scene with the Waif because she didn’t think Arya could do a bunch of acrobatic moves with a stomach wound. Sophie Turner said that she had no idea why Sansa didn’t tell Jon about the

It wasn’t so much a trial as a massive conspiracy to murder someone. Absolutely no physical evidence was presented. Baelish’s military commander did nothing to object & willfully allowed his lord to be executed. It was satisfying on an emotional level but like a lot of things this season, you can’t dig too deep into

As stupid as the whole Sansa/Arya thing was, I was fairly satisfied with the conclusion, even though you had to infer a lot of what may have happened (Sansa and Arya talked to each other like normal people to figure out what was going on, or even better, they talked with Bran, who hasn’t done anything all season).

He didn’t even really try. He’s like “shit, they got me” and folded up like a Scooby Doo villain trapped in a net.

It was a long, boring trip. Tyrion was just headed to hang out with Jon and Dany, maybe play a drinking game, and he finds them unexpectly having sex without even telling him they were into each other. It’s awkward.

Viseron is probably all “You only loved Drogon. I have a new dad now!”

The most infuriating thing was that the Sansa vs. Arya bait and switch was completely USELESS as they didn’t even bring it up during the surprise Trial of Littlefinger. It only served the purpose of catching him off guard, as the Starks continued to throw accusations at him without any physical evidence but using