
Aw man. I suck. Well, I’ll just go fuck myself then.

Worm gear pictured here in its larval state:

I read all the way to the end, expecting it to be another one of Torch’s “I spoke with ____.” spoof articles, full of silly torch drawings and such.

“So, the first part of your question, totally agree, I don’t think cars—or any moving object, are made to be asymmetrical, because it goes against the grain of what humans are comfortable with.”

Whoa, cool interview with a car designer in the best possible context. (Cartoons.)

Yea, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to come off dickish. Nothing against the dogs themselves. But irresponsible breeders ruin everything. I have the same feelings about bulldogs because they have so many health issues because of “breeding standards.”

Minifig sir, minifig.

that font beat comic sans 105-108

For some reason I thought you were talking about the people in WOW. My apologies.

Hey, you haven’t yet had any gushing responses telling you this is an impressive work of creativity.

Oh, please. A bit of dignity here. You’re being immature, this is a well respected site. Besides, we all know Uranus is a giant ball of gas.

Well, it should be no surprise considering all the wide-open uncontested looks they get. It’s not like they’ll draw a charge or anything.

For one thing, the cop’s shooting percentage would be sky-high.

No surprise—there hasn’t been a Cup in Edmonton in 25 years.

This will almost certainly put him at odds with former teammate and notorious crip Wes Welker.

Ok, this is such a dramatic development I had to take a walk around the office to calm down.