
Going to create a better standard:

I’ve seen men actually do this. There are some couples that get off on abusing outsiders.

That is correct. There can be grey areas of misinterpretation, where a person can feel like a victim, when neither party really did anything wrong. There’s certainly got to be situations out there where miscommunication, body language, and even language barriers can distort consent, and not everyone may realize a

This is not shocking to me sat all. I did rape crisis advocacy for 8 years in a large Midwestern city (I’d meet with the victim/survivor at the hospital) and 9 out of 10 times the cops would try to find any answer other than the person was raped. According to the cops I had to deal with, here are people who cannot be

I don’t have much to say but that I am truly sorry. You, your mother, your siblings all deserved better.

This doesn’t surprise me.
My mom on multiple occasions reported my step father for physical abuse... when the cop showed up though he would be super cool with the cops and the cops would come over to my mom trying to “talk some sense” into her. My mom was flabbergasted and tried to show them the bruises and blood- but

“WHY are you and others attempting to make this about alcohol? The issue is PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS.”

This is why restorative justice would be more appropriate than channeling this stuff through the criminal system. The OP is right in that the onus of consent is on the man, when in reality both may not have consented. This gray area stuff is important to address, but maybe in a different way than the traditional

I think the question then comes - well, the dude was drunk too, so did the woman rape the man as well? If being drunk is enough to say that consent is not valid, then are they raping each other?

I’m not kidding, I think that every day. His entire shtick sounds like an elaborate prank.

Isn’t this classic gaslighting, favorite tool of bullies and abusers everywhere? “I didn’t really say that, you’re making stuff up in your oversensitive head, WHY SO SERIOUS”

This is good advice. But it is hard to follow. Especially since I love drinks 3 and 4 most of all.

Why does this television only get one channel?

You ever notice the dudes who oppose abortion are the ones you'd never want to have sex with anyway?

All this work and effort just to specifically avoid believing that black lives matter. People like him will go “all lives matter,” then “blue lives matter,” but at no point will they ever acknowledge that Black Lives Matter.

I'd like to see/hear more from Assemblyman Charles Barron because he sounds awesome.

“I urge my friends in the African-American community to be very careful about supporting this legislation,” Castorina said. “We’re talking about African-American genocide.”

this is tantamount to making law enforcement officers a protected class. with that kind of allowance, they could do anything they wish, with impunity.

‘Human Shield’ does have a certain ring to it, doesn’t it? It’s a loaded term designed to make a victim unsympathetic. Also, seeing as the police shoot into cars with Black kids in them, and shoot Black kids without penalty all the time, using one as a shield would be the same as using one as a target.