
Yes, just go to HR. EVERY workplace has HR!!!! EVERY HR department is super helpful!!! Why didn’t we think of this before!!!!!!! my stupid ladybrain!!!!!111!!!

Could they be any more out of touch with the average person?

You can tell who is an asshole by their affinity for victim-blaming (even if their last name isn’t Trump). Seriously, if you know someone who (unlike the Trump family) manages to seem charming, but they frequently blame victims—take that as a warning.

-2 points for unnecessarily ruining pesto.

I wonder why she is so wary and guarded and practiced. Probably for no reason.

I dunno, Melania’s speech had a few really good sentences in it.

Appropriate time to mention that, when my freshmen students voted on Class Superlatives at the end of this school year, a girl won Most Likely to be President, and many of her female students received a lot of votes for the same honor (from both girls and boys). The kids are on the same page as Michelle.


Also this guy was losing the fight so pulled a gun?

That’s the desire of many gun owners, though, to be in a situation where they might lose - but they have a gun so they win.

“pro life guy”

I’m getting pretty fucking tired of hearing the guys who have spent 40 years dividing us complaining about how divided we are.

... I suspect they are not authentically Mexican. Actually, as wikipedia describes them as “a deep-fried burrito”, I suspect they are proudly American.

I don’t think it’s that so much as she’s not party of their “group,” and they’re pissed off that these “agitators” are getting in to their precious convention. Her sign could literally say anything contrary, and they’d treat her the same way.

you’re right—there are a tiny percentage that are actual psychopaths, but the large majority are just self-hating schlubs that lash out at random strangers because for a fraction of a second it makes their self-loathing slightly more tolerable. but then after that initial thrill it simply makes their self-loathing

Ok, when I heard about this, I thought “all political wife platitudes probably sound the same”. Then I read the two passages side-by-side and wow, they are really very similar. It does seem like There was some copying happening, which seems unbelievable.

It was pretty weird when she started talking about growing up black in Chicago.

all the comments suggesting we give her a break for her accent- I mean, I feel for her (especially because she probably did “what she had to do” to further herself). Really. But after all that empathy, I can’t help but be pissed off. Because were it a Hispanic accent, or Vietnamese, or anything you know, not “Miss