
Racists fucking LOVE Dr. MLK Jr. because he’s dead and he isn’t there to correct them when they mischaracterize his work. They hate living activists who marched and worked with him, but who are still alive, because they are able to talk back. They also hate young activists who follow him (creating a hashtag, recording

LOL. Does anyone know how the fuck Chris Broussard is even employed? On Friday, he’s going to Tweet some bullshit like, “Sources say KD is leaning towards Golden State, per sources.” Anyway, I don’t “hate” KD for giving himself a better shot to win a title. But, the KD and LeBron moves are nothing alike. LeBron’s best

I live in the south. Our PP is nice, and we never have protesters.

I work at a planned parenthood in Fl that’s located in a strip mall and it’s beautiful on the inside. Also, it’s location has nothing to do with the quality of care provided inside its walls.

“It’s really hard to understand how this could happen, how somebody could do that to children,” local police lieutenant Dan McGrath told the press.

Yet another abusive man murders his wife and children because she tried to leave and/or have custody over his kids. Yet another man thinks it is preferable that his family DIE by his hands than escape his control. Yet another man uses a gun to annihilate his family.

I’m so confused. Where were all the good people with guns ready to put down this miscreant? I’m constantly told that the only solution to a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun, but they never seem to get featured in these stories.

“But why didn’t she leave?”

If only those poor children had been armed.

‘“It’s really hard to understand how this could happen, how somebody could do that to children,” local police lieutenant Dan McGrath told the press.’

Of course she’s an asshole. It’s obvious she’s an asshole.

I agree. She’s a racist asshole, but even racist assholes can have complex emotions. Doesn’t excuse her shitty behaviour, it just gives us an understanding of why she may have acted on idiot impulses.

I can almost guarantee that before camera was rolling she and the camera man were casually chatting as they drove up. Their lives weren’t just shattered, they needed to have reporter faces on for the segment but were otherwise going about a day at the office.

This is the kind of shit that makes me not believe people when they say they own a gun for “family protection.” That line is just what they’ve been taught to say so their gun ownership will be socially acceptable. In this case, the purpose of the gun was to intimidate and punish. Lots of people buy guns so they can

Just wondering... Why do you think it is that most of the informed, well-reasoned comments on this particular article are in the grays? My guess is b/c the people who are most “in the know” on this subject don’t/can’t spend their days commenting on Gawker sites, but were actually *compelled* to respond because they

Because Freedom Eagle 9/11 ‘Merica.

Yes, we can apply it to a lot of things. “Everyone is a responsible banana eater until suddenly they aren’t.”

slang for being a super fan. it comes from the Eminem song “Stan” in which a crazed eminem fan killed himself.

Yes, this one man represents the entire populace that voted to leave.