Melissa Firebox

[pon farr joke goes here]

What you do, is when you get some gay in you, you squirt full strength Jesus on it( do NOT use diluted Jesus, it won’t work), presto- the gay is gone!

Fuck these people. The psychological warfare they wage against LGBTQ youth is truly sickening. These people have blood on their hands. They should be fucking ashamed of themselves.

Must be a long-standing feud against the magazine due to its founding philosophy of promoting liberated and fulfilled single women since the days when that sort of thing was still called “women’s lib” and considered a danger to “the family.” The other beauty mags don’t have the same history, as far as I know.

You know, because it’s a choice. You can choose not to want a lady’s soft, delicious, full lips on your.

dingbat99 wrote: “I challenge you to find any issue other than gay marriage and abortion where the establishment Republicans and Obama are different”

The (appropriately named) dingbat99 wrote:
“You SERIOUSLY think either party is different?”

Let’s see, this is off the top of my head:

labor - one side wants to legalize shipping every job overseas and abolishing minimum wage, the other side wants to bring jobs back and ensure living wages.

foreign policy - one side wants to basically bomb everyone and steal their oil, one side wants to actually negotiate

I love how many people are pointing out that she basically called herself a demon.

*siiiiiggghhhh....* if I ever needed evidence that Kim Davis has never in her life actually read the Bible, this is it.

Was the consumed ammount of wine -wait for it- sufficient?

“We are many” is absolutely a quote from the Bible. And since it’s a quote from the Bible it was obviously said by Jesus and not, oh, an entire legion of demons. That’s like 15oo demons. So good on Kim Davis for being familiar with her holy writ.

Meanwhile, this line:

There *so* needed to be a heckler there, yelling stuff like:

I’m always hoping there’s a chance for me to be the next ex Mrs. Malcolm

On a second date about ten years ago, I said to the guy sitting across from me, “So, I like you, you’re totally awesome. But I’m not looking just for a fun time, I’m looking for a long term relationship. I mean, I’m dating other people and I’m not saying we have to be serious, but generally speaking I’m ready to

Well I’ll look out for it because I am in a polyamorous relationship with Jeff Goldblum

The first problem is that you’re a woman, the second is that you’re showing it.