Melissa Firebox
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Tucker sounds like one of the names George Carlin ranted about. And then as now he was right! RIP you glorious bastard!

Before anyone becomes too Debbie Downer about O’Reilly simply being replaced with another misogynist, I want to mention that this may send a message to my right wing coworkers that their “casual” sexist comments while reading the newspaper during our lunch break may not be tolerated as much as they assume. I’m a

Dude, what are you going to do when gawker.com shuts down? Are we stuck with you here?

We are not giving those men at that disgusting “website” our hard-earned traffic created by our male servant Bobby Finger

I feel like this should have been posted on The Cuck. Bobby, did they not let you because the power of their femininity interfered with your ability to cross-post?

Trumpa Lumpa

Living slime? In Washington D.C.? You don’t say...

I was a huge fan of Supernatural the first few seasons, but the unrelenting misogyny, which got continuously worse, finally got too much for me to take. There was Dean telling a woman not to “flatter” herself by thinking he would rape her. Dean cheerfully announcing that “On a good day, you get to kill a whore.” The

One of us. One of us. One of us. ONE OF US!

Please let the Fantastic #FinalFive NOT become part of Taylor Swift’s stupid fucking #squadthing.