Melissa Firebox

This week sucked. But at least it’s Friday!

Growing up, there was a redheaded girl at school who was a few grades above me. For the entirety of my elementary school career, I was asked by kids on an almost weekly basis, “Oh! Are you Ellen’s little sister?” I never even met Ellen. We had no reason to know each other. And yet because of our shared hair color,

I thought we were just supposed to do the lil clap-four-times-real-quick thing near the beginning!

The older I get, the more relatable the Friends theme song becomes. This is an unsettling development.

As you wish!

Personally, I’m hoping it will be both terrible and great. In the same vein as Lifetime’s Liz & Dick starring Lindsay Lohan.


FACT: Rugby is the world’s best sport for action shots.

Hey now... This is offensive to gooble-gobblers everywhere.

From your mouth to the benevolent ears of the universe.

Ugh, yeah. Just in the metro area where I live, we have Ronald Reagan Blvd AND Ronald Reagan Pkwy!

I scream this repeatedly every time I drive on Ronald Reagan Blvd tbh.

Same. I also took a swig from a bottle of cough syrup, and suddenly this debate is just delightful!

Ooooooh Jeb! is getting all mad and finger point-y. CASINO GAMBLING!!!

Rainbow puke, obvs!

My dad and I say that to each other on the regular tbh.

YESSSSSS. I’m also gonna use this particular “lens” to reply to unsolicited dick snaps.

I’m glad Burt Gummer is the header image (and #1) because Burt is my all time favorite. I love that paranoid freak. So quotable too!

Just took the survey! My class was abstinence-only (as in, we had to actually sign a pledge of abstinence in order to pass the class) and totally unhelpful. I hated every bit of it... EXCEPT for all the gross photos of people’s STD-riddled junk! My weird medical curiosity loved that part. But yeah, it was a pretty