I believe Trigun's anime is far superior than the Manga, which totally ruins Vash's Character for me imo.
Thank goodness us PC gamers didn't have to wait at all.
I was under the impression that they're the same character, in terms of licensing.
Gah! The endless disappointment of being Canadian browsing these deals. I very badly would like those Sega classic packs but of course it's only available on the American side of Amazon.
I'm not doing this to be a jerk, but I totally read your misspelling of "caragors" (which you spelled caragores) like a horribly stereotyped thick-accented Italian— CADAGORAYZ!!
Will only resub if the train has an advanced suicidal AI final boss that we have to try to riddle to death.
It's official...Meta-commentary is officially the least funny thing on the entire Internet.
Well it's certainly not a pipe.
Any bugs on the PC version? I want to pick it up the next time it goes on sale.
He who shoots with his hand has forgotten the face of his father.
Okay, Origin is not the devil it was on the path to be a few years ago. Now, it is very much acceptable. Just as Steam once was hated, this bias towards Origin should not get in the way of gaming experiences.
Not shitting in the street or eating your dead have valid survival rationales behind them. Covering breasts so innocent children don't see does not. Children have seen breasts. Your children have probably seen more of your wife's breasts than you have.
I'll stick with ElastoMania thank you very much!
This sale is about the destination.
See, no, my heart can't take that. I need your hilarious narrating. Can't you just upload a Let's Play instead?
Yeah I think using Theon's face was probably a bad choice.
Where's the drunk? That's me and all my friends whenever we break out the board games.