Pictures of vast, dark-water seas are the bane of my childhood existence. Bonus points if some unknown giant creature is lurking beneath the waves.
Pictures of vast, dark-water seas are the bane of my childhood existence. Bonus points if some unknown giant creature is lurking beneath the waves.
In other news, commenters are still giving article writers a hard time for no other reason than because they're bored and have nothing better to do.
Slow day in the Kotaku commenting section.
The first game is amazing and hilarious, but while the first is a series of great jokes, the second is the best written game ever. While you do lose that initial "oh my god portal puzzles" you get with Portal 1, 2 expands meaningfully on every aspect of the gameplay, and when it applies those puzzle rules to "real"…
Wow. You comment peeps sure do know how to take something awesome and immediately piss all over it. It's almost impressive.
"Gonna pull all-nighters on ryse..."
"I can do that but I'm not going to because I can't and instead I'm going to complain about what other people have fun listening to"
Guacamelee is amazing, you'll have a lot of fun with it. It's great with cross buy too because you can just swap it over from PS3 to Vita if you have both, if not it plays really well on both consoles. It's one of those games where you can see how much of a labor of love it was for the creators throughout and there…
How about, showing the world that "Hey! If you pile a bunch of rocks on top of us and then light it on fire, we are breaking out of that shit!".
I think that might have something to do with the millions of people playing the game online at the same time. Or it might also have something to do with the fact that pre-internet games had less than a gigabyte of HDD space required and generally a few megabytes of RAM required.
You're comparing apples to spaghetti.…
WASD will never be as good as an analog stick. That's my hang-up about the difference between mouse/keyboard and controller. With a controller I have to sacrifice aiming accuracy, but with a keyboard I have to sacrifice moving accuracy (only eight axes of movement?!) and convenient/simple button placement. I guess…
Rendzooke material in here.
I made a sandwich once
LOL This post.
all we need are monkey's in tiny clown masks and ill never leave my room