
Funny enough, I was very close to turning it off 10-15 minutes in. I decided to tough it out, and I’m ultimately very glad I did. It’s more of an art project than a typical movie, but it genuinely got under my skin and left me feeling creeped out in a way that other horror movies rarely do.

What a clunky-ass title lol. Could’ve just dropped “ATM” and it would’ve accomplished the same effect while being much more readable. (Or perhaps changed it to “since launch”, seeing as that’s what the stats are referencing.)

Is that Richard Ayoade in the top image?

(Maybe) controversial opinion: I hate Shipment. Every time if gets rereleased, my eyes roll so hard that they threaten to detach from their retinas.

Funny that you mention it, as I got ~30 hours into FO3 on the 360 back in the day and had to give up; I reached a point where, every time I tried to use VATS, the game would crash. I was in love with the game prior to that, but it left such a bad taste in my mouth that I never did finish it.

Right, that’s exactly what I was referencing with my “50-100" comment.

Fair, I was moreso referring to the state of AAA game development as a whole right now. Fallout 76, Bethesda’s most recent offering, was a disastrous launch, and the odds of Starfield escaping that same fate given the aforementioned state of affairs is incredibly slim. (I’m also a PC gamer, so I’ll admit that I’m

Thank you! Every time I hear people hyping up Starfield, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. We either learn from history, or something something

I like that y’all are talking about “low 80's” and 79 as if those aren’t excellent scores. I know video the whole joke about video game review scores is that they go from 50-100, but even then, any game that gets an 80 doesn’t strike me as “underrated”/”underappreciated”

It’s included in PC Gamepass and Gamepass Ultimate.

I’m with ya. Weapon durability is such an annoying mechanic. I’d argue the only time it wasn’t incredibly annoying was Breath of the Wild, and that was largely offset due to the insane multitude of weapon types. RE4 presumably only has a knife (similar to the RE2 remake).

Thanks for this. What you said is what I understood the setting to be, so reading something different was pretty confusing. Glad I understood things correctly; it’s a great little feature

The soundtrack is great. Admittedly, I was only familiar with Tobacco from the (absolutely stellar) album he did with Aesop Rock, but as soon as the music started, I knew it had to be him. Never bothered looking into it until coming across this article, so I’m glad to hear it wasn’t someone just ripping of his style

The fact that Vampire Survivors, a ~$5 title, is consistently the most played game on a powerful $400+ handheld device never fails to crack me up.

But they’re not free, unlike in the previous battle passes

I mean, there’s an obvious third option here between buy the battle pass and uninstall the game: why not just keep playing it without paying? I haven’t dropped a penny on the game, still having a blast

It’s worth noting that the list of features on the PSVR2 is closer to what you’ll find on the recently-released Quest Pro than the Quest 2, which is selling for $1.5k.

Too bad Archive 81 got cancelled, I was looking forward to finding out more

Sorry I’m late to this discussion, but have you seen Jacob’s Ladder? That movie is the quintessential psychological horror movie in my mind, and was a large inspiration for the likes of Silent Hill