
Man, I totally know how you feel. It’s almost intimidating, in a way.

I sort of felt the same way about Fez, but in the end the world, graphics, and music were so dang charming that it was a joy just to wander aimlessly in this big, puzzling world. I hope that this game can have that same appeal.

Might be worth noting that it’s coming out on PC as well (although it’s listed as “TBA” for the release date).

Might need a NSFW tag on that one... or even, dare I say, a Kotaku fish? :P

Surely you mean Jimmy and Bimmy?

Now playing

Relevant: (Man, I need more Jontron to happen T__T)

“Press ‘Enter’ to use”? How the fuck is one supposed to control this game, with three hands?

But, if it made you “warm and fuzzy” inside, was it really useless?

Does anyone know if there are any deals to be found on a Steam key for GTA V? I'm definitely getting this, but GMG is only offering a Rockstar Club download. Screw that noise; I've already installed Steam, Origin, Uplay, and Battle.net, I'm not installing anything else :P

Does anyone know if there are any deals to be found on a Steam key for GTA V? I'm definitely getting this, but GMG

Now playing

I would like to add Hellsing to the mix. It only dealt with a very brief, early section of the manga (which was later addressed in the Hellsing Ultimate series), but I found the series got progressively worse as it went on anyway. It felt like the manga (and subsequently H:U) rushed through things, whereas the

Personally I don't see what all the bullshit is with Origin, I play Origin games occasionally and don't have a problem.

I may be wrong, but it seems like they reduced/eliminated the speed that time progressed while your character is remaining still. I seem to remember that in the original browser-based version time continued to move (albeit at a much slower pace) even when you were stationary, which, if it does happen in this version,

I'll be completely honest: I am one of those people. That said, I mostly just want one for when virtual reality is finally a thing. I don't drive a standard in real life, so it won't be immersion-breaking for me haha.

I kinda wondered about that, but given the largely different design they went with in the film I'd be surprised if that was the case (not to mention the fact that the movie's version was live action, not animated).

Still, it'd be interesting to know what (if any) inspiration the creators got from the Hanna Barbara

It's funny: the use of the blue and yellow color scheme makes it look like the Hanna Barbara Birdman character.

Fellow Canadian here. I definitely feel your pain.

That said, I did set up an alternate Amazon account with an American address associated with it in the past and it allowed me to purchase Steam keys. It was quite some time ago that I did it, so I don't remember the specifics, but it might be something worth looking

I admittedly used to feel the same way about watching gaming streams, but as time goes on I find myself warming to them. I tend to watch Hearthstone streams when I'm at work and otherwise can't play it myself, and it's much more entertaining than just reading a guide as you suggest.

I also find it helps my game when I

I found that playing ranked can actually be easier than playing casual when you're just starting, at least until you get to rank 20 or so. When you're playing ranked you know you're likely playing against someone of a similar skill level (unless it's the very beginning of the month when everyone's rank is reset),

I want to see a similar recreation, only of the awesome "Touch Fuzzy, Get Dizzy" level.

Although, I suppose that's how the world is seen through my eyes most Saturday nights...