
Man, I remember this episode scared the crap out of me when I was younger. It was just so out of left field.

On that note: was this a reference to something? As an adult watching old episodes of The Simpsons, it amazes me how many references to pop culture they had jammed into each episode that went right over my head.

I have an orc in my game that will not stay dead, and he's the meanest bastard in the game. He only has one weakness, which is fear of caragores. Hilariously enough, he's a master hunter, and will still cut down said caragores with ease. He shoots poison arrows, and he's immune to stealth and ranged attacks. He's a

You could always just pass yourself off as a Canadian... just, y'know, profess your love for maple syrup or something. :P

I think we can all agree that nothing beats Christmas-light Head from the Soma gameplay trailers :P

For awhile it looked like the tart and tangy bright green beverage might actually get the job done. Alas, the Dew proved too powerful, and in 2002 slumping sales forced Coke to can Surge. Or uncan it. Something. They stopped selling the damn drink.

Yeah, I was thinking that it had to be the same developers. :/

I asked this before but never got an answer, so I'll make a second attempt: Does anyone know if there's a way for a Canadian to download the Mass Effect Trilogy from Gamestop? I normally go through a proxy for such things, and I do have a 'fake' US address from Borderlinx if required, but it seems to only accept

Mass Effect Trilogy ($10) | Gamestop

In a word, no. The writing and voice acting is pretty terrible throughout, especially for the main character. He made me cringe at times.

Some developers already did something like that that looked pretty cool, albeit for movies. I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to have a version that allows you to play games as well.

To me the worst offense for this game isn't the fact that it's a bit buggy, or that the RPG elements are rather simplistic and half-baked, or any of the other complaints I hear floating around. The worst thing about this game is the damn save system. It's not even that bad, really, it's just counter-intuitive; once

I played through the PC version in its entirety and only encountered an odd bug here and there, all of which were comical as apposed to game-breaking (and I watched every cut scene throughout).

Have you played Lara Croft: Guardian of Light? A friend and I picked it up on sale recently for ~$2 and we've been having a blast playing co-op. Here are a few other recent and decent co-op experiences that come to mind:

That's funny: I just recommended the first 3 games on your list to someone else in the comments :P. I own all 5 of the ones you mentioned, and they're all awesome. Kudos on having great taste haha.

Dude, you seriously need to incorporate Towerfall: Ascension into your list [http://store.steampowered.com/app/251470/]. As an old-school local multiplayer fan, it's one of those games that I come back to time and time again. I've yet to play it with someone who hasn't enjoyed themselves; even if someone is

Woah, chill out dude! Life's too short to get so upset about nothing, you'll end up giving yourself an ulcer or something.

If by "yours forever" you mean "yours until April 24th", then yes. :P


I know that feel, bro. I'd be all over this otherwise.