
Dear God, I hope this makes the jump to PC.

It's nice to know that Al Gore is keeping busy.

Oh look, another two sentence comment that has nothing to contribute other than pointlessly bashing on the article's author. Typical Kotaku reader who has so much time on their hands that they spend it clicking on articles they know they won't enjoy just to... I dunno, piss themselves off? Is there a point? Does this

Yes! I created an alternate account with a US address, worked like a charm.

Now playing

The "stereoscopic" sound (sometimes called holophonic sound) they're mentioning actually refers to an auditory technique that tricks your brain into perceiving directional audio cues. If you've ever worn a pair of headphones with simulated surround sound you'll know what they mean.

Traditionally this was achieved by

If anyone has yet to play this game, get on it. I had it in my Steam library for quite some time before I finally decided to give it a shot, and the whole time through I was kicking myself for not trying it sooner!

To those who don't know, it's a fantastic puzzle game with an equally fantastic atmosphere about it (one

At least with the Oculus Rift you can move your head a degree without losing the 3D effect!

I mean, I love my 3DS, but comparing it to an Oculus Rift? That's just silly. The Oculus Rift takes up most of your field of vision so, as far as your brain is concerned, you're practically in the game. It's apples and oranges,

Mechanical animals, you say? That's so 1998.

Hey, me too! I used to have a recurring nightmare as a kid about being stranded in the middle of the ocean, fog all around me, and then spotting something huge either swimming below me or breaking the water and looming before me in the fog. Absolutely terrifying.
Just looking at this picture gives me the heeby-jeebies!

BIOFORGE?! You win the internet.

There's flying tanks in BF4?! SOLD.

But on a serious note, I've been pretty lucky with it. The game works fine 90% of the time, and very rarely crashes (I'm playing it on PC as well). The only crash I experience might even be related to my hardware; it's like the game freezes up, and the audio keeps looping. The only

Oh come on, you've played over 2000 hours of CoD and haven't had a single "F YEAH!" moment? I find both facts hard to believe.
"From the first Modern Warfare to the first Black Ops" is 4 games; MW, WaW, MW2, BLOps. You mean to tell me you played these games for 500 hours each? On top of that, you played these 500 plus

They should call it the Abracadabra :P

Now try it with Outlast. Dear God, I think I'd wet myself.

I doubt it would be my de facto method of game playing, but who wouldn't love to try this? The immersion would be incredible, and you'd be getting great exercise while you game!
I don't know, to me it sounds cool; even if your character couldn't tire of running in-game, you could. While leveling up your character in a

You're using a PC, why not emulate it?

I know some people are against emulation, which I can respect (I'm not sure if you are, obviously, just stating). If you do happen to be one of these people and you're worried about not supporting the industry, there are plenty of ways to do so; buy it for 3DS VC if it ever

The somewhat odd movement, grappling hooks, and general gameplay kinda reminds me of Weapon of Choice, one of the first XBLIG's. I quite enjoyed that game.
Bullet Bros has the added benefit of being co-op, which looks like a blast. It'll be interesting to see if they manage to meet their Kickstarter goal.