
So that's what Brian Crecente has been up to since he left Kotaku!

This looks... disturbing. Source?
(I was about to type 'sauce' but then slapped myself.)

This guide is a few years old now, but it's still a neat guide on the basics of PC building: http://lifehacker.com/5828747/how-to… . Obviously any direct mention to specific parts will be outdated, but it's still a good beginner's resource.

There are a billion different guides out there, and many that are much newer if

I always hated that "ninja run" thing they often use in anime where the character runs with their arms trailing behind them. Who does that? It doesn't make the least bit of sense.
At least in anime I've come to expect it, but to see the main character run like that in a video game just looks awful. The game itself

As far as I can tell you can only launch invite-only rooms via single player. Just access the 'Online' screen in the start menu and pick the option that says something along the lines of "Play GTA Online".

It seems like playing any game with Leo would instantly make it absurdly entertaining.

Final Fantasy 6, all the way.

I love both, but 6 will always have a special place in my heart. Square somehow managed to coax so much personality and emotion out of the limited assets offered by the 16-bit gaming era, all the while delivering the best gameplay of the series. Materia was an interesting concept in 7, but

Jet Set Radio is actually £0.75, not $0.75 as it states (works out to about $1.30 Canadian on my end).
Still a pretty good deal.

Uh, I think you're missing the point. I doubt he was saying it wasn't canon. Rather, I believe he was using it to point out the absurdity of finding something as mundane as an IPv4 network address to be the one unbelievable thing in a movie where people can breath fire and whatnot.

Aw, US only? Bull.

I'm Canadian. Does anyone know what would happen if I used a VPN or proxy and went through the download process? I really want these deals T__T

While I admittedly haven't played either of those games, I can vouch for the fact that PJ Monsters plays well single player. I never got the feeling that it was made to be played multiplayer as much as it's an enjoyable addition.
That being said, I feel single player tower defense games are kinda boring, so I usually

Out of curiosity, have you played it? If not, you really should.
I personally didn't realize it was coming to PC until I read this, and I couldn't be happier to find out. I used to play it all the time on my friend's PS3, and I used to play it on my PSP frequently until it bit the dust.
Granted, it's mostly fun for the

Small World is actually the game that got me into board games in the first place. A friend of mine finally managed to convince me to play it at his house one day, after which I promptly purchased it (and the equally awesome Underground sequel).

I love any game that has that 'easy to pick up, hard to master' quality;

I laughed uproariously. Good show, sir or madam. *Tips hat*

It's really hard to say, on account of what I mentioned; they're both very different games.
That being said, I personally prefer Mercenary Kings. I'm always a big fan of games that allow me to 'level up' like MK. It always keeps me coming back over and over (I sank a lot of time in the recently released and awesome

It's really not that much like Metal Slug, aside from the obvious visual inspiration.
You have your base camp, where you can upgrade stuff and buy equipment. You select your mission, which brings you to one of the levels (it seems you replay the same levels occasionally, just with different objectives). The levels

The Mighty Boosh?! You, sir, are my hero.

"In the mid 20's"?! I'd say you're an adult, you must be over 100 years old! :D

Nevermind >__>

Myself, my room mate, and 2 other people I know all have Turtle Beach headsets (I have the X11s, they all have the X12s) and none of us have had problems so far. I've had mine the longest at ~ 3 years with no hitches. I also have the Earforce DSS amp, again with no problems.

That being said, it sucks that you guys had